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Understanding Psoriatic Arthritis: A Comprehensive Guide


By Isabel P.

- Jan 6, 2024

Psoriatic Arthritis, characterized by joint pain, swelling, stiffness, fatigue, and distinct skin symptoms, can seemingly alter the course of life. However, an accurate diagnosis paves the way to start treatments to reduce inflammation and ease symptoms. Initial stages involve trial and error as you work closely with your rheumatologist to achieve optimal medication efficiency.

Creating treatment goals in collaboration with your healthcare provider facilitates treatment assessment. Aiming for remission, minimal disease activity, or symptom alleviation is generally the main goal.

Managing Psoriatic arthritis primarily involves medication combined with a healthy lifestyle. It's worth questioning the potential impact of the prescribed drugs on your overall health, understanding their side effects, and learning other options for managing the condition.

Although Psoriatic arthritis does not usually lead to life-threatening consequences, some corresponding treatments might. Therefore, urgent medical attention becomes necessary if signs of critical events linked with treatments such as heart attack symptoms or signs of severe infection appear.

Beyond your rheumatologist, your care team might encompass dermatologists if you exhibit skin symptoms, your primary care doctor for overall healthcare, and a physical therapist for exercises, mobility enhancement and pain reduction management.

Support beyond professional medical consultations is critical. Connecting with others experiencing the same condition can provide invaluable guidance to cope with living with Psoriatic Arthritis. The National Psoriasis Foundation and The Arthritis Foundation provide information, webinars, community conferences, and networking opportunities to better manage and navigate the condition.
