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Top Secret to Boost Your Immunity? Baby Carrots!


By Ella T.

- Jul 3, 2024

An essential meeting of the American Society for Nutrition - NUTRITION 2024, held in Chicago, served up a game-changing discovery. Eating baby carrots three times a week could majorly ramp up your skin's carotenoid levels. This plant nutrient is your body's best friend when it comes to boosting the immune system and combating inflammation. When coupled with a supplement containing beta carotene, your carotenoid weapon upgrades from a slingshot to a bazooka.

A sobering 9 out of 10 Americans would rather eat dirt than the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables, according to the authors of the study. Enter baby carrots, the understated hero of the produce aisle. Just half a cup, three times a week, and you are dominating the war against inadequate carotenoid levels.

“Hey, hold up, are carotenoids some new hipster band?" I hear you ask. Neither a band nor a carotenoid-themed menu at your favorite burger chain, these unsung heroes give fruits and veggies their vibrant shades of red, orange, and yellow. Carotenoids are like the body's polygraph test for your diet – the only source for these pigments is the produce on your plate.

Carotenoids are a lifeline for you in two crucial ways: first, they can morph into vitamin A, and second, they’re antioxidants. Vitamin A, not to be confused with 'Vitamin', the hilarious B-list comedian, is crucial for normal vision, solid immune function, reproduction, and growth and development. And antioxidants? Well, besides being the next best thing since sliced bread, they shield our cells from the damage caused by free radicals - unstable molecules that, if left unchecked, may turn us into something resembling Marvel's incredible Hulk, minus the superhero part.

It would make perfect sense, then, that pumped-up levels of skin carotenoids translate to better immunity and skin health, as per our unsung hero, Dr. Suresh Mathews. Here's where things get juicy: Eat half a cup of baby carrots three times a week, and your skin carotenoid levels beef up. Take it up a notch by adding a beta-carotene supplement and enhance these levels further.

Our nutritional combat against diseases doesn't need an ironclad diet or a mystical health elixir. A few baby carrots and a beta-carotene supplement could be our secret weapons. Just remember to check with your doctor because even carrots can pack a punch if you go overboard.
