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The Progesterone Paradox: No Leafy Greens Here, But Your Fertility Will Thank You


By Ella T.

- Jun 25, 2024

Every month, your uterus engages in a wild rollercoaster of ups and downs led by a hormone most aren't familiar with and overlook – progesterone. You might not have heard about it on a green juice label, but it takes center stage in managing your fertility, menstrual cycle, and pregnancy. Could you be on the losing side of the progesterone game? Keep an eye out for telltale symptoms such as irregular periods, foul moods, and relentless headaches.

Raising your progesterone levels aren't as easy as slurping down a green smoothie after a yoga session or downing a bowl of kale. That being said, you can make certain lifestyle easter eggs that could nudge your body towards better progesterone levels. You could also pick from a buffet of man-made replacements. Buckle up as we dive into the world of progesterone function, symptomatic hints, and potential treatments, all served with an experimental cocktail of snark and sass.

There isn’t a kale salad or magic berry that contains progesterone, although some dietary tweaks could tilt the hormone balance in your favor. Essential vitamins B and C help maintain healthy progesterone levels. A generous helping of vitamin B6 improves liver function and hormone production. Feast on some turkey or bananas for your dose of vitamin B6. When it comes to zinc, a mineral critical to fertility, dive into some oysters or chickpeas.

Then again, if you like to mix things up and experiment with herbal supplements, there are a handful that may tinker with progesterone levels. Chasteberry anyone? Known to alleviate PMS symptoms, this herbal ally comes with an obtainable price tag of potential nausea, headaches, and stomach upsets. That's a fair trade-off for fertility, right?

Moving on to more synthetic solutions, progesterone comes dressed in various outfits, such as creams, gels, suppositories, and oral medications. Depending on your particular situation, you might find yourself applying cream on your arms or inserting a suppository – always under the guidance of your healthcare provider.

But let us not forget the usual suspects – stress and an unhealthy lifestyle. These two villains are known to wreak havoc on your hormone balance. So, if you tackle these menaces with mindfulness, therapy, adequate sleep, weight management, and physical activity, you may very well see an improvement in your progesterone levels.

Progesterone, though flying under the radar, is an essential gear in the intricate machine of the female reproductive system. Its wingman, estrogen, often steals the spotlight. However, if progesterone levels dip, estrogen often hijacks the show, leading to an array of unwelcome symptoms.

So, in sync with the EatKaleOrDieTrying mantra, tweak your diet, punch stress in the face, and embark on an active lifestyle. But remember, anyone offering you wild yam supplements promising to boost your progesterone, give them the well-deserved side-eye. Stay informed and stay healthy, fellow kale warriors!
