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The Mouthwash Myth: Unleashing the Might of Saltwater Gargles


By Ella T.

- Aug 18, 2024

We don’t blame you. A stroll down the oral care aisle can be amusing and tempting – spearmint, peppermint, arctic rush, the promises of a dazzling smile after 3 rinses – who wouldn’t get lured? Know what’s more amusing though? A mouthwash that costs you just a pinch of salt. Meet our friend, Mr. Saltwater Gargle.

A saltwater gargle doesn’t exactly score high on swag, but it wears the crown of effectivity with pride. It's a no-fuss mix of water and salt that offers an inexpensive, medication-free treatment for a range of oral conditions - a tool as humble as Mr. Saltwater doesn't need a high street corner to sell.

Everything from allergies to upper respiratory illnesses can summon the wretchedness known as a sore throat. While medicines can help, judicious use of the humble saltwater can work wonders too. Studies have found it to be great for oral health, particularly when paired with good old teeth brushing. Think of it as Batman and Robin - one fights the plaque to prevent oral health issues, another swoops in to finish the job.

We get it, gum health isn’t exactly the hot topic over dinner. But poor gum health links to health conditions like heart disease and diabetes. So, it's time to stop treating it like an overlooked sibling, particularly when studies show that saltwater gargles can be as effective as the main ingredients in commercial mouthwashes in reducing inflammation.

Bear in mind that while Mr. Saltwater can boot many bad bacteria out of your mouth, it can't pursue all. For a saltwater gargle, all you need is 8 ounces of warm water and a half teaspoon of salt. If you want to jazz it up a little, add a hint of lemon or peppermint oil for flavor. But remember, overdoing it can actually diminish your mouth's healing prowess. Use no more than 3-4 times per week, max.

And if those pesky symptoms refuse to budge? It could be time for an actual professional to intervene. Remember, we're advocates of humor and simplicity, but at the end of the day, your health is no laughing matter. So, before jumping on the saltwater bandwagon, talk to a healthcare provider to ensure it is a suitable treatment for you.
