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The Eye-Opening Guide to Health: What Your Eyes Can Tell Us


By Sophie B.

- Aug 18, 2024

If your New Year's resolution is to get healthier (again), toss your Fitbit and get an eye exam. You heard that right. While you're under the impression that your annual optometrist trip is merely for checking your visual prowess, there's a lot more involved in this appointment than meets the eye (if you'll pardon the pun).

According to Mina Massaro-Giordano, MD, part-time advice guru and full-time co-director of the Penn Dry Eye & Ocular Surface Center, your ophthalmologist can double up as a body detective. A comprehensive medical eye check-up can spill secrets about what's brewing inside your body. Pure Sherlock stuff!

So, what all can an optometrist gauge apart from ocular health? Here's a quirky cheat sheet to help you out. From diabetes to hypertension, high cholesterol, and even cardiovascular disease, your eyes are a window to a catalogue of health conditions. Ever thought of your eyes as superhero sidekicks? Well, now it's time.

Simply put, parts of your eyes-like the retina and optic nerve-are extensions of your central nervous system and the only place where you can see blood vessels without needing a scalpel. This straight-out-of-a-thriller feature allows conditions that affect the central nervous system or vascular system to be detected in your eyes first.

The fun fact doesn't end here. This superpower could also clue you in on how severe your disorder is. For example, your optometrist spotting signs of diabetes in your eye could mean your sugar monster isn't on a leash. Eat that, horoscope predictions!

And if this is not mind-blowing enough, get this: you don't need to do anything to prepare for an eye exam. Wear your glasses, bring along your list of medications, and you're good to go. You can generally expect a series of tests which might involve exciting gadgets like an autorefractor and a slit lamp.

A word to the wise, though. If you go full dilation, bring a buddy to drive you home. It's like enjoying a few happy hour cocktails-only you're in a clinic, and there's no party. Except maybe in your eyes.

The bottom line is, regular eye exams are a broad spectrum antidote for maintaining your overall health. Their help stretches from spotting impending health problems to nipping potential ocular issues in the bud. On the fiscal front, even if you're out of coverage, programs like EyeCare America can help you access necessary ocular health care.

So, in the battle against poor health, your eyes can be your most potent unsung heroes. Don't wait for your vision to blur to make your next appointment. This year, let's not just look at the world but also inside ourselves. In the words of a famous wizard-you have your mother’s eyes…use them well!
