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The Digestive Disorders Decoded: A Blunt Breakdown


By Julian F.

- May 4, 2024

You've scarfed down that family-sized pizza and now your stomach's on fire. Sounds like you've scored yourself a date with GERD. GERD, or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, is when your stomach acid decides to crash the party in your esophagus. Burning sensation smack dab in your chest? That’s GERD’s signature move. Approach your doctor if this party is a regular affair - repeated heartburn, nasty breath, unexplained dental issues, nausea, chest or upper abdomen pain, and difficulties swallowing or breathing. Most people curb their symptoms by swerving trigger foods or popping over-the-counter antacids. For serious cases, stronger meds or surgery might be needed.

Moving down the food tube, we have pesky little nuggets called gallstones, hard deposits lodged in your gallbladder. With a whopping one million Americans hosting these unwanted guests each year, your upper-right abdomen screams party over when they block the bile ducts. Out with the gallbladder usually solves the problem.

One in 133 Americans deal with celiac disease, a gluten-induced autoimmune attack on the villi microstructures in your small intestines. Terrible tummy pain, bloating, diarrhea, and vomiting? Could be celiac. The answer lies in a gluten-free diet: think rice, quinoa, soy flour, and amaranth. Gluten sensitivity is not as damaging, but can cause similar symptoms.

Onto the IBDs, or Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. Crohn's disease, with an American audience over half a million, could affect any GI tract part with abdominal pain, diarrhea, and weight loss. Ulcerative Colitis, with as many as 900,000 affected Americans, solely targets the colon, with sores or ulcers.

Now the IBS, or Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Sounds unpleasant, right? 5-10% of people endure hard, dry or loose, watery stools - or a delightful buffet of both. Bloating and gas are also gifts from IBS. Mostly, its food design: low-fat, high-fiber, and dodging trigger foods like dairy, alcohol, caffeine, and artificial sweeteners.

Hemorrhoids consist of swollen veins in the lower rectum yielding pain, itchiness, and potentially bloody surprises in the toilet bowl - half of 50+ Americans have this joy. Solution: more fiber, more water, and sitz baths. Tougher cases may require surgical procedures.

Diverticulitis crops up when small pouches, diverticula, in your digestive tract line inflame or infect. Symptoms mimic illness: fever, chills, nausea, abdominal pain. Treatment ranges from a liquid diet for mild cases to surgery or IV antibiotics for severe ones.

Lastly, anal fissures, tiny tears in the rectal lining similar to hemorrhoids. 250,000 fall victim annually in the U.S., with a high-fiber diet being the best treatment.

Health is no laughing matter-even though we've had a go at making it one. But seriously folks, this is your gut we're talking about. Shooting pains or discomfort that's cramping your style? Seek medical advice pronto.
