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The Bloody Truth About Period Cramps


By Isabel P.

- Jul 26, 2024

So you're battling your period again, bringing pain to your day like an unsolicited crossfit workout. Over half the menstruating population endures these cramps, an unwelcome gift from mother nature herself. For some, these period pains feel like a raging symphony of throbbing and cramping, making normal life a sizable challenge. Truly unbearable pain, however, signals something's not quite right, such as having endometriosis for a flatmate or uterine fibroids getting too cozy in there.

Picture this: period cramps are like a rather dreary tightening or throbbing in your lower midriff. They're distinct from their equally annoying cousin premenstrual syndrome (PMS), known for its talent for bloating, fatigue, irritability, and the mysterious weight gain.

Primary dysmenorrhea, the fancy term for painful periods, doesn't owe its existence to chronic health conditions. Instead, it's primarily the handiwork of prostaglandins-the chemicals that inspire your uterus to contract like it's auditioning for So You Think You Can Dance.

Secondary dysmenorrhea, in contrast, is the result of a health condition hanging around your reproductive organs causing discomfort. Now, if you're grappling with cramping similar to period pain, but you're preggers, don't panic. It's a standard feature of early pregnancy, along with a side dish of fatigue, nausea, and mood swings.

When too many prostaglandins decide to host their rave party in your uterus, these contracts could lead to business-ruining cramps. Factors that could turn your period cramps into nightmarish pain include having a chronic health condition or being subjected to unbearable stress, lack of sleep, and poor diet habits.

Healthcare providers, no, not Google, but actual trained medical professionals, should be your go-to when pain persists. Popping pills or enduring the discomfort clears no path to actual relief or finding the root of the problem.

Unsurprisingly, there are ways to tame this beast in the form of treatment options (remember, actual healthcare providers should guide you here). Remember, heavy period pain can't be brushed aside as "just period things." It can lead to chronic pelvic pain and even affect your mental health, turning your life into an episode of Grey's Anatomy you'd rather skip.

If you're looking at your life and find that period pain is your uninvited, overstaying guest making you miserable, speak up. See a healthcare provider and get that exam done, whether they need to do a pelvic exam or wield other imaging tech weaponry. And if one doctor won't listen, seek a second opinion.

To endure the pain is not to brave it. Instead, it's braver to seek help and find solutions. Chronic pelvic pain can be managed with specialized physicians' help, so don't be shy to ask for a referral to a specialist.

Remember, you're not just fighting for temporary relief, but a long-term solution. Painful periods can indeed make you feel like dying is a simpler option, but honey, let's show those cramps who's boss and reclaim our power.
