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Survival 101: Don't Safeguard, Stay Hydrated


By Sophie B.

- Sep 27, 2024

Dehydration isn't merely the thirst nagging you after scoffing down a giant pretzel or the extreme cottonmouth after a legendary night out with friends. It’s an insidious beast that lingers in your body, patiently waiting to strike as it slowly weakens your organs – yes, your organs. Every one of those mushy biological miracles that keep you ticking needs water. Go low on fluids, and you're throwing a wrench in the finely tuned machine that is your body.

Think you're invincible because you're youthful and blessed with a robust constitution? Think again. Dehydration doesn't selectively target the weak. Sure, infants with their not-yet-fully-equipped bodies and older folks with their swallow-down-chokes and medication idiosyncrasies are more susceptible, but you're not bulletproof either.

Mild dehydration announces its presence subtly: a parched mouth here, a niggling headache there. But before you go slapping the 'mild' label on and dismissing your symptoms with an eyeroll, remember it's a slippery slope. Ignored, mild dehydration can fast descend into a severe state, making your body a playground for dreadful symptoms and compromised functions.

When severe dehydration has your body in its grip, guzzling just water isn't a practical solution. That's like trying to paint a three-story house with a toothbrush. Drinking your way to hydration is a herculean task when your body is seriously dehydrated – the weakness alone makes swallowing a challenge, not to mention you also run the risk of swamping your body with water but not enough essential electrolytes.

In such cases, your local superheroes-healthcare providers-come to your rescue, sweeping in with medical treatments such as intravenous (IV) fluid administration. But let's not trivialize this intervention; it's not a system reset. There can be complications, and it’s advisable only under expert medical care.

Facing milder cases? Be your superhero. Augment lost fluids either by increasing water intake or, if your body is whispering SOS due to illnesses that cause excessive water loss (sweating, fever, vomiting, diarrhea), by fixing yourself an oral rehydration therapy (ORT) concoction using easily available ingredients like water, sugar, and salt. Commercial alternatives like Pedialyte and Hydralyte are also effective.

While dehydration can bounce from mildly annoying to extremely dangerous, it’s preventable and treatable. Crucial, though, is to listen to your body’s alarms and consult a healthcare provider early, especially if you’re caring for at-risk individuals like infants and seniors. Stay hydrated, stay healthy, and conquer the world one well-hydrated day at a time.
