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Sniff, Slather, but Don’t Swallow: The Dummies Guide to Using Essential Oils


By Gavin Hayes

- Oct 12, 2024

Tired of snorting the same old boring air like a common peasant? Time to glam up your life one sniff at a time, with essential oils! They're not just pretty fragrances you can use to mask your sweaty gym odor, they've got some fun tricks up their tiny translucent sleeves too.

Essential oils can boost your mood, ease your stress and even transport you to the lavender fields of France - all from the comfort of your stained couch. So blow off some steam - literally - and immerse yourself into the blissful world of aromatherapy, right after you've brushed off the nacho crumbs from your shirt.

Does the idea of inhaling your stress away seem too good to be true? Well guess what, kiddo? When you take a whiff of your favorite essential oil, you're not just smelling it - you're feeling it too. Those fragrant compounds scoot from your snot-filled nose to your brain like carefree squirrels, helping you to chill out or buckle down, as needed.

But like your ex, essential oils can be overwhelming when used unsparingly. You may be a fan of the lavender fragrance, but not everyone in your yoga class signed up for a mucho lavender explosion. So if you're one of those guys who's about to make their entire living space smell like a eucalyptus forest, remember to consider the sneezy consequences for other unsuspecting olfactory victims around you.

Getting close and personal with an aroma stick or donning an oil-infused necklace might be your thing. You may even leave an oil-soaked cotton ball lurking around for that sweet, unsuspecting waft of fragrance. Being discreet never smelled so good.

If you want to introduce your pores to essential oils – and hey, why wouldn’t they fancy a bit of a tingle – make sure you dilute it with a straight-laced carrier oil. Coconut, olive or jojoba oil could play chaperone, protecting your skin from way harsh concentrations of essential oils.

Before you go about slathering your homemade oil concoction like there’s no tomorrow, do a little patch test. Because, guess what, essential oils are not regulated for safety by the FDA, hence, the surprise party factor.

Now, before you get any wild ideas, essential oils are a no-no for ingestion. Sticking to the outie side of your body is generally a safer bet unless you fancy a one-way ticket to toxin-town. Also, like a rowdy college party, they're not for everyone. So be mindful if you're dealing with asthmatic conditions, allergies or if you're a parent trying to use essential oils on kids.

Yes, picking essential oils can be as confusing as choosing your Tinder date. It's a mixed bag, and since there’s no FDA peeping over their shoulders, it can get dicey. So, don’t fall for superficial packaging or luring discounts. Remember, good essential oils are like good wine; they have quality, authenticity and don’t leave you regretful the next day.

Final takeaway: Inhaling – good. Applying – good (with precautions). Drinking – bad! If in doubt, stick to old faithful (aka your healthcare professional) for advice. So, go forth into the steamy or diffusing mist of your favorite essential oil and enjoy responsibly.
