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Sick but Not Sure Why? Join the Club.


By Gavin Hayes

- Mar 28, 2024

So, feeling a bit off today, huh? Got yourself a case of the sniffles, a pounding head, and the urge to hug your toilet? Welcome to the club. In the era of COVID-19, we've developed a particular knack for self-diagnosis (and self-induced panic). But before you lose your marbles over a "mystery virus" that's been making rounds on TikTok, remember this - it's cold and flu season, and you might just have a run-of-the-mill bug.

Or as Dr. William Schaffner, the infectious diseases professor at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, like to call it, "just another seasonal respiratory monster doing the rounds." Rhinoviruses? Adenoviruses? Heard of them? Probably not. But they might be the little jerks creating that backlog of tissues in your bin.

Before you ask - no, Dr. Google doesn't recommend self-medicating for these mysterious bugs. What to do instead? How about you get yourself tested for COVID-19 and influenza, just to be on the safe side. Drink fluids, rest, wallow in your misery, and grab some over-the-counter meds to dull the symptoms. Wait. Did that fever just spike? Maybe it's time to ring up your doctor.

Feeling a bit social? Bad idea. Stay home, binge-watch something trashy until you're feeling better, and steer clear of your friends. After all, friends don't let friends share viruses. Even if it's clothed in a N95 mask, social distancing is still en vogue for the fashion-conscious, viral-infection-hating elite.

Remember, the mystery isn't in the virus, it's in how you choose to handle it. Wash hands, stay clear of the communal dip at the office party, and for goodness sake, look after yourself. Because as our friend @thatgirlkanesha on TikTok says, "All of these symptoms are really not adding up to me." To that we say: Rest up. Hydrate. And, if all else fails, blame the kale.
