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Say Goodbye to Sahara Eyes: Winning the War Against Dry Eye


By Henry Mason

- Sep 14, 2024

Like your favorite lip balm that just can't quit, dry eye's as sticky as they get. It's chronic, pesky, and no instantaneous miracle cure is in sight. Before you roll back those eyeballs in despair, don't fret. Control is key, and we've got solutions to keep it in check, even if it feels like you're battling a relentless inferno in your sockets every single day.

The enemy? Inadequate tear film. That shiny sheen coating your cornea? It's not just for looks. Comprised of a trifecta of oil, water, and mucus, the tear film maintains surface hydration and wards off microscopic invaders. Catch dry eye early, and damage is reversible, thanks to the regenerative capabilities of lost epithelial cells.

Ignore it, however, and we're talking potential vision loss, infection, or God forbid, permanent corneal scarring. Weigh your options, mate; it's a no-brainer.

No magical panacea exists, but mimics do-hello, artificial tears. Want to pump up the volume when nature's juice ain't giving you the squeeze? These tear-generators roll out the red carpet, lubricating your eyes into blissful, aqueous oblivion.

Two categories of these counterfeit Rick Astley tears exist: those incorporating preservatives to fend off bacteria and their preservative-free partners in crime. The former won't break your heart but limit entries to a max of four performances daily. The latter? Party on, Wayne; there's no cap on their use.

More severe dry-eye warriors, seek a knight in shining armor in non-preserved artificial tears. Turn to thicker gels or ointments for bedtime relief when OTC tropes fail to impress and blurriness doesn't phase you.

Should you choose to go for gold, consider autologous tears, serum harvested from your blood and infused with healing-promoting nutrients, ideal for the moderate to severe dry-eyed among us.

In the battle against chronic dry eye, employ a multipronged approach: artificial tears, prescription drops to supercharge tear production, inflammation-fighting drops like cyclosporine and lifitegrast, or quick-response corticosteroids.

Keep an eye out for catalysts that can spark a dry eye frenzy- seasonal changes, air pollution, allergens-and safeguard against them. Perhaps fill your arsenal with punctal plugs to prolong tear-surface contact or warm compresses to melt stubborn oil glands.

Hiccups exist. Not all treatments are discomfort-free, as slow-acting Restasis and Xiidra can testify, sparking temporary itching or a funky aftertaste. But hey, it's a small price to pay for a remedy that spares you from a prickling expansion in your orbs.

Emerging solutions, like FDA-approved Tyrvaya nasal spray, work their magic by upping tear production, oil, and mucin content, sans sting of eyedrop application. Miebo drops, Lacrifill injections, or AZR-MD-OO1 ointment, despite the mouthful names, work to thwart tear evaporation and unclog oil glands, offering a new dawn in the fight against dry eye.

While a definitive miracle is still on the wish list, discomfort is far from inevitable. With a smorgasbord of approaches from OTC to prescription treatments or promising developments on the horizon, there's no shortage of artillery in your fight against dry eye.
