Protein Shakes Meet Diet Coke: Bizarre TikTok Trend or Valid Protein Booster?
- Nov 7, 2024
Knock, knock. Wanna know the latest TikTok health trick? Protein shake swirled with Diet Coke. Yeah, you read that right. In a world that already doubts diet sodas' life choices, this new fad arrives, suggesting that this unlikely duo could be your ticket to a protein-packed paradise. But should you jump on this bandwagon? Strap in. We're about to dive into the bubbly abyss.
Inevitably, diet sodas endure more criticism than a hipster at a country music festival. But before we crucify them without trial, let's give 'em a fighting chance. After all, Abby Langer, R.D, dietitian extraordinaire, claims the soda-shaming often lacks concrete facts and palpable evidence, labeling it as mere fear-mongering around non-nutritive sweeteners. Now, nobody's encouraging you to bathe in diet sodas, but moderate consumption hasn't been proven a passport to the underworld.
Before you decide to Jazzercise this trend into your routine, evaluate your nutritional aspirations. Make sure you're fueling up on a balanced diet like a self-respecting fitness enthusiast (or at least trying to look like one). Getting protein from the rugged outdoorsmen of the nutritional world - lean meats, noble eggs, tofu, and Greek 'yog' - is usually recommended by health gurus.
But hold on to your yoga mat! Alissa Rumsey, M.S, R.D, and trigger-happy author of "Unapologetic Eating," explains that Diet Coke-protein concoction is not a nutritional leper. It can play the proteins game too, minus the added frills, and is quite the chameleon - changing doesn't impact your body's ability to digest the protein.
Of course, Diet Coke's dance with aspartame, a zero-sugar sweetener who moonlights as a 'possible carcinogen,' can raise brows. But before you panic, you'd need to guzzle down more than nine diet soda cans a day to achieve that 'unsafe aspartame level,' Rumsey reassures.
Just remember - consider the protein you're packing into the Diet Coke in relation to your overall protein intake. After all, you're after gains, not losses, right?
There are no prominent drawbacks to giving this trend a chance, as long as you're catering to your protein needs. An overdose on this may make you look like a protein junkie, so trade cautiously. And if the duo of protein shake and Diet Coke trigger your sensitive stomach, feel free to roll your eyes at this combination.
So, should you go down the protein-Diet Coke lane? It certainly could be a refreshing (read: carbonated) approach to loading up on proteins, especially if you're wrestling with your daily protein needs. However, remember – the protein elders recommend feasting on whole foods for their nutrient-rich buffet. If you do choose to flirt with this nutritional Frankenstein, remember to keep an eye on its protein power compared to your needs, and tread lightly if you have any known sensitivities or allergies. And as always, moderation. Let's not get too wild, shall we?