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Microplastics Hell: Are We Walking Time Bombs?


By Owen M.

- Mar 22, 2024

Picture this - invisible invaders making their way into your body without a hint, disrespecting your personal space and on a raucous party in your internal home base. These stealthy invaders aren’t a sci-fi horror show; they're microplastics, and they're as real as the air you breathe and the bottle of water you just chugged down.

Dr Matthew Campen of Albuquerque is at the forefront of exposing the invisible enemy. The issue? These microplastic outlaws could be responsible for a host of health issues. Though the evidence is still under debate among the medical community, the presence of microplastics in places where they simply don't belong, like our arteries, is startling. Worst part? It's not about to get any better.

Despite the fact that wrapping your head around the health impacts of these teensy invaders may give you existential dread, it's time to face the reality. Truth be told, they've managed to get far and wide, beyond where you'd think. They're even throwing wild parties in the Antarctic, Arctic, Mount Everest, and at the bottom of the ocean. Gulp.

Take it straight from Dr. Gulati, director of preventive cardiology at the Smidt Heart Institute in LA: “There is an enormous amount of degraded plastic pollution contaminating our planet. We are inhaling and ingesting microplastics and nanoplastics every day, everywhere.”

While our bodies become plastic dumping grounds, lab experiments have shown microplastics might have a knack for creating havoc in our cells. However, proving a direct link between microplastic exposure and health conditions is a convoluted beast researchers are still wrestling with. Also, there's the whole endocrine disruptor bit - think chemicals throwing a wrench into your body's hormone system.

Although we can't package up and return these microplastic party crashers, we can take some steps to limit our exposure. Take water, for instance. Trading in your disposable water bottle habit for a home filtration system is a solid serve against this invisible enemy. As for the air you breathe, be mindful of indoor pollutants coming off plastic-based carpets and furniture.

Bottom line, while we can’t entirely escape the invisible microplastic invasion, tweaks in daily decisions can give us some fighting chance. The token warrior in this battle against plastic toxicity just might be awareness. But let's be clear on one thing - there's no detox magic that could purge microplastics from our bodies. In the fight against our plastic invaders, prevention is the closest thing to a battle plan. So arm yourself with knowledge and make choices that limit your exposure.
