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Make-Up Magic: Masking Psoriasis with Confidence


By Myles F.

- Apr 28, 2024

Your makeup bag may be the most underrated superhero in your arsenal if you wield it right, especially for the psoriasis-struck among us. The beauty industry didn’t just reserve its powers for folks sporting perfect skin – camouflage makeup isn’t a shield bore by women alone. No, sir. It's proud to be gender-neutral these days, claims Rachel Lockhart, the pro behind Boston’s Rachel’s Make-Up, and Brow Studio.

The face-paint market out there is packed with a dizzying ensemble of colors, textures, and assortments than ever before. Thanks to most big-shot makeup moguls, you’ll find an ever-growing spectrum of shades, so no skin is left looking awkwardly mismatched.

But calm down, Picasso! Before you dash to the cosmetics corner, keep in mind this isn’t an invitation to bury your face under a mountain of foundation and concealer. Slapping on makeup on raw or peeved skin is a big no-no. And if you're dealing with pustular psoriasis, marked by frustrating, pus-filled bumps, you might have to forgo makeup altogether, to avoid the wrath of irritable skin.

Get real about what makeup can do. Yes, it doesn’t perform magic. It might dim the discoloration brought by psoriasis but it will wave a white flag to a rough, scaly texture. Overdose on makeup and you’ll find the spotlight shining on your scaly skin- not the impression you were gunning for.

The key to winning this hide-and-seek game with your psoriasis lesions lies in the art of finesse. Consulting a professional makeup artist to navigate your unique skin condition while adding these handy hacks to your makeup manual could be your ticket to a confident face – or anywhere else your psoriasis decides to pop!

A golden rule to start with is to ensure squeaky-clean hands and skin. Next move? Round off the scaling. Be it your face or elsewhere, aim for a smooth surface before the paint job. From occlusion therapy, oil-baths, to overnight moisturizing, several techniques help shake off the flaky skin.

When in the cosmetics aisle, remember - solids make your skin parched. Go liquid or go home! Creamy textures make for a skin-like finish. But avoid the glitter bomb. It may attract eyeballs to your cover-up job and turn your skin into a grumpy beast.

Begin with foundation. That's your base camp. A good start could mean you might not have to resort to concealers at all. Pro-tip? Pat a little at a time and build up gently to avoid layering.

Some psoriasis warriors may need an additional ally - concealers. Roll out the shade tests and find your match. Blend in a small amount directly onto the areas you need. Shy away from color correctors though. Leave them to the pros unless you want to look like you've been attacked by a gang of green elves.

It's all about consistency! Avoid the revolving door of different products to bypass unwanted skin reactions. If your skin screams (read burns, stings, or itches), bring your doctor into the conversation right away.

Remember, mighty makeup warriors, while your palette might cover up your psoriasis, it isn't a cure. Be sure to team up with your dermatologist to devise a game-plan to manage your skin condition. Acquaint yourself with your makeup tools, and step out fearlessly, flaunting your skin with a blessed boost to your self-confidence.
