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Life, Death, and Coenzyme Q10: The Lowdown on This Underrated Nutrient


By Nora R.

- Jun 21, 2024

Ever noticed how some nutrients hog the spotlight while others hang back, quietly doing their bit for your health? Well, cue the drums for Coenzyme Q10, or CoQ10, the unsung powerhouse that deserves a moment in the limelight for its role in maintaining your well-being. flit between headlines or feature on the Instagram feed of your favorite influencers, but that doesn't make it any less important. In fact, this superhero of nutrients should definitely be on your radar.

So what is this CoQ10 we're raving about? Essentially, it's a substance that helps convert the grub you eat into energy for your body. Yep, you heard it right - it's basically your body's personal energy converter, without which, all that kale or quinoa you've been chowing down might as well be cardboard.

At its core, CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant found lounging around in almost every cell of your body, particularly having a grand time in your heart, liver, kidneys, and pancreas. Besides turning food into energy, CoQ10 also moonlights as an anti-aging ally, keeping cell damage at bay and reducing our risk of nasty diseases.

While most of us get enough CoQ10 from our diet (thanks, Mother Nature), there is a small group of individuals who may actually benefit from a CoQ10 supplement. For instance, older adults, people with heart disease, or y'know, simply anyone who loves their cholesterol-lowering medicines a little too much.

CoQ10 comes in two forms: ubiquinone and ubiquinol. Just think of ubiquinone as Captain America before his supersoldier serum - it does the job, but not as well, and ubiquinol as our enhanced hero your cells can absorb more easily. Admittedly, the body doesn't absorb ubiquinone all that well which hampers its effectiveness, but there's a not-so-secret weapon you can use to turn the tables - consuming it with fat.

Having said all that, it may seem tempting to rush out and stock up on CoQ10 supplements and begin popping them like candy. However, we shouldn’t get too carried away. While some research does indicate potential benefits of CoQ10 for heart failure, migraines, and even high blood pressure, these findings are not conclusive and more studies are needed.

One should weigh the risks and benefits before taking any supplement, and CoQ10 supplements are no exception. Although considered generally safe, CoQ10 may affect blood sugar and blood pressure levels and interact with certain medications. A piece of advice? Always consult your healthcare provider before adding a CoQ10 supplement to your diet.

Choosing the right supplementation form, proper storage, and correct dosage are also crucial considerations while using CoQ10. Remember, your nutritional needs should ideally be met through a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods. Sometimes the option that seems flashy and quick may not be the best for the long haul, and diet supplements should never act as a substitute for real foods.

In conclusion, while Coenzyme Q10 may not be the star player of the nutrient world, it made it to the team for a reason and truly holds its own when it comes to overall health maintenance. So here's to CoQ10, the quiet stalwart that keeps us going while staying just out of the limelight.
