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Let's Clean Up: The Dirty Truth About Conventional Cleaning Products


By Gavin Hayes

- Mar 21, 2024

We all yearn for a spotless home, clean and free from dirt, grime, and anything that mocks our hygiene standards. With the rise of ruthless cleaning products vowing to obliterate every speck of dust and bacteria, one has to wonder what's being bargained in the process? Welcome to the grim reality of home cleaning - overdosed in heavily-marketed, potentially harmful chemical cocktails.

Your household cleaners on steroids, the all-purpose or bathroom ones, gleaming with a promise of leaving everything sparkling and germ-free, might be introducing a wicked gang of harmful ingredients in your home. These not-so-friendly allies range from volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to chemicals found under the infamous Prop 65 (call them the hall of fame for carcinogenic celebrities), as uncovered in a research published in 2023.

Despite their ordinary and seemingly harmless presence in your cleaning cabinet, these products can be unsettling to human health and unfriendly to the environment. Why, you ask? Let's take, for instance, the frightening potential of VOCs that can wage a war against your respiratory system, mess up your nervous and reproductive systems, and have a love affair with cancer.

Now, don’t be fooled into thinking that sticking 'natural' labels will save the day. The so-called ‘greenwashing’ where products are labeled as ‘natural’, ‘eco-friendly’ or ‘green’ often end up being just a marketing ploy. This gamesmanship turns your effort to choose healthier products into a journey through a maze of confusing claims and misleading labels.

Enter - the truth bearers, also known as third-party certification like EWG’s Verified Cleaning Products, the EPA’s Safer Choice, Green Seal, or Ecologo from UL Solutions. These are the guys who've got your back, ensuring these products are actually good for you and our planet and not just a part of a marketing plot.

Before you buckle under the pressure of deciphering scientific product ingredient acronyms or fall for the ‘fragrance-free’ hype (sometimes innocuous but not always), remember these certifications are here to rescue you from this ever-deepening rabbit hole of natural cleaning products.

By taking the greener route, studies have shown an impressive reduction in exposure to harmful ingredients. Participants who swapped their old cleaning arsenal for plant-based, biodegradable alternatives reported no quality compromise whilst experiencing significant reductions in their exposure to harmful chemicals.

And that big question looms - do natural cleaning products actually clean? The good news is, yes, they do. Hallelujah! Natural cleaning products that have received a nod from the EPA’s Safer Choice, for instance, are required to be as effective at cleaning as their conventional counterparts.

And what about Granny's secret formula of vinegar and baking soda for everything? Well, let's just say it’s not exactly the magic potion for all cleaning purposes. While DIY cleaning ingredients are familiar and cost-effective, they may not always be as effective as their store-bought counterparts, especially in situations where a higher level of sanitation is demanded. So, while you enjoy bringing out your inner cleaning alchemist, do remember, not all stains are created equal.
