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Killer Mornings: Beating Psoriatic Arthritis Like a Boss


By Gavin Hayes

- Mar 21, 2024

If psoriatic arthritis has been turning your morning hours into a nightmare, it's time to gear up for a fight! With just a few tweaks to your morning routine, you won't just survive the day-you'll win.

Starting the day with a jolt is not an option for psoriatic arthritis warriors. They need a little extra time to get their bodies going. “Gift yourself at least 15 extra minutes. It's like pouring hot water into an unwilling teabag, the slow infusion of movement can work magic," says Carole Dodge, a smart cookie at the University of Michigan. Her advice? Don't rush. Why not make morning a '3' on the pain scale instead of an ugly '6’?

After twisting the alarm knob, spend some moments with stretches nearly as gentle as whispers. Fold yourself into yoga poses or simply stretch your fingers. Dodge says, “Aim for the mild pull in your muscles, if it hurts, you're cranking it up too much!”

Post stretches, it's shower time. Take your pick between a warm shower or a bath with sea salt, oatmeal, or coal tar - like a spa session for your cranky joints. But be careful, turns out super hot showers are serial killers for moisturized skin.

Preparation is key when battling morning stiffness. From using a dressing stick that helps you with dressing tasks to investing in slip-on shoes, consider every step that can make your morning routine less daunting and more manageable.

Dental health is equally crucial. Kiss goodbye to the manual toothbrush and embrace the magic of electric ones. For flossing, the water flosser can be your new best friend.

When it comes to breakfast, dodge the junk and hug the healthy stuff like fiber-rich plant-based foods. Add some flaxseed or walnuts to your platter, both of which are loaded with omega-3s. Remember, foods that can fight inflammation can be your secret warriors!

Stay regular with your medications. Swallowing pills can be as easy as breathing if it forms a part of your daily routine. But, ensure that you chomp down on your breakfast before reaching for your meds, some of these tiny things hate empty stomachs!

By integrating these habits into your routine, morning stiffness will be less of a grim reaper and more of a mild inconvenience. Give yourself a bit of grace, and a lot of self-love. Morning is no longer your enemy, it’s your chance to start again!
