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Kale'n It: The Superfood Shield Against Prostate Cancer


By Julian F.

- May 9, 2024

Prostate cancer is a recurring terror that haunts many patients. It lurks silently, its progression into an advanced, life-threating stage being the primary concern. But new revelations suggest there's an edible shield against this deadly creep: a diet bursting with fresh fruits, vegetables, and grains.

Feeding your body with high amounts of plant-based foods slashes the risk of prostate cancer's malicious growth, a recently published study in JAMA Network Open revealed. Among men with prostate cancer, those who had a regular blast of kale, carrots, and quinoa saw their risk of cancer expansion slashed by nearly half compared to the steak enthusiasts who munched on smaller proportions of greens.

"Cuddle up with a kale salad for lunch; it could save your prostate," suggests Vivian Liu, the study's lead author, aptly describing the potential prostate-saving powers of a plant-based diet. She adds that such a diet also packs a punch against diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and overall mortality. Liu advocates for leaning more towards spinach smoothies, replacing your animal-based munches, and hails the “more veggies, better survival” motto.

The study followed around 2,000 men, average age 65, diagnosed with nonmetastatic prostate cancer over an average of 6.5 years. Results suggested an inverse relationship between plant-based consumption and premature death. Not unlike a pharmacy in your pantry, veggies and fruits are loaded with phytochemicals and antioxidants that could be breaking down harmful cellular changes, boosting your shield against prostate cancer.

So, what's on the menu if you want to join the plant-based league? About 1.9 more veggies servings, additional fruit servings, and 0.9 more servings of whole grains daily.

On the flip side, a plant-based diet also guides away from foods known as carcinogens, such as processed meat and red meat. Alongside being the good cop guiding you away from harmful foods, this diet pattern has been linked to better quality of life, vitality, and satisfactory sexual and urinary function post-prostate cancer diagnosis. What's not to love about a diet that gives you a life bursting with health and vitality? It's like having a daily spa treatment for your prostate.

Prostate cancer leaders, it's not too late to turn the tables in your favor. Flip your burgers for broccoli and see the magic unfold in your prostate's health.
