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Is Your Job Flexing Your Brain Muscles?


By Gavin Hayes

- Apr 22, 2024

Your Monday to Friday grind may be serving a grander purpose than just a paycheck – it could be fortifying your mind against the deterioration of age, as per a new study. Involving over 7,000 adults, aged between 69 and 104, the study points to a correlation between engaging occupations and a diminished risk of cognitive impairment and dementia post-70, compared to those with less stimulating job histories.

The study's results, in the words of author Bjørn H. Strand, "emphasize the potential of cognitively stimulating work to enhance cognitive reserve and delay cognitive decline". Translation: if you're making your brain sweat early in life, you’re better equipped to fend off cognitive decline later.

The brainstorm behind the research involved evaluating the cognitive demands of 305 different jobs, measuring the routine or non-routine elements of the tasks. So, does a factory job equate to cognitive couch potato, while a teacher’s job serves as a brainy bootcamp? For those in low-cognitive-demand jobs like mail carriers or housekeepers, there was a 42% incidence of mild cognitive impairment compared to the 27% among high-cognitive-demand jobs like teachers, PR specialists, or doctors.

But, it's not all about classification. The crux of cognitive stimulation lies in the actual work contents, suggests neurology fellow Glen Finney. Are you dealing with repetitive tasks or wrestling with new problems and skills every day?

But don't sweat it if your gig isn't ticking the cognitive demand boxes. There's a wild world outside of work brimming with brainy opportunities, like learning languages, picking up a new instrument, or diving into a mind-bending book. It's just like going to the gym for your brains – you've got to keep them muscles flexin'. Remember, it's never too late to start flexing those brain muscles.
