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Iron-Clad Defenses: The Best Iron Supplements You Need Now


By Sophie B.

- Jul 18, 2024

Is your energy on the down-low? You might be running low on iron, a vital mineral that fuels growth, development, and the oxygen highway in your body. Sadly, iron deficiency is a global epidemic, knocking especially hard on people with hefty menstrual cycles, frequent blood donors, certain disease sufferers, pregnant beings, infancy warriors, and those surviving on restricted diets.

Our team of sassy dieticians has churned the mortar and pestle, grinding down batches of iron supplements, and sifting through thick layers of expert advice. Oh, did we also mention they studied research on the most potent iron forms, suitable doses and brands that come with independent testing, minimal additives, and correct doses? Well, now you know!

Gear up for our top list of the best iron supplements, each one individually crafted by registered dieticians and duly certified by our medical experts for scientific accuracy. Remember, don't jump onto the iron supplement bandwagon without having a chit-chat with a healthcare professional to ensure it suits your unique body needs and dosage.

Bottom-up with the Thorne Iron Bisglycinate capsules, a crowd-favorite that's comfortable on the tummy and independently tested for a bumper-ride-free journey. This iron supplement is particularly well-suited for athletes, who often fall victim to iron deficiency.

The NOW Iron supplement is another fan favorite. It's vegan friendly and, although it's packing enough iron to meet the daily requirements for women aged 19-50, you may need multiple helpings for severe iron deficiencies.

For a higher dosage, Nature Made Iron tablets might be your perfect companion. But be warned, these tablets could potentially cause some tummy trouble.

Have a leaning towards liquid supplements? Mary Ruth’s Vegan Liquid Iron offers a berry-refreshing taste and steals the show with a versatile dosage. Watch out for the stevia kick though, not everyone's a fan.

Vegan or vegetarian? You could do with an iron supplement, and Future Kind Vegan Iron Supplement with Vitamin C is a stellar pick.

Expecting a tiny human? Needed Prenatal Iron's pregnancy-friendly formula offers a highly absorbable form of iron. In between pregnancy cravings, an iron deficiency is the last thing you'd want!

And for the little munchkins knocking things around, NovaFerrum Liquid Iron, besides offering a raspberry grape flavor, is also sweetened with monk fruit and perfect for your vegan/vegetarian child.

Iron deficiency can mess up your life, pumping you with fatigue and concentration issues. But fortunately, an iron supplement might just fix things up!

But remember, while an iron supplement might come in handy for those with higher iron needs or a skewed diet, like athletes or vegans and vegetarians, it won't necessarily enhance your performance if you aren't iron deficient.

Let's get real; we only pick the cream of the crop when it comes to supplements. And each company featured here is thoroughly vetted for in-house or third-party testing. But do remember that added ingredients sometimes crop up in iron supplements, so make sure your chosen supplement is the right fit.

Facing iron deficiency? It's time to get iron-clad, folks!
