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Feel the Burn: The Real Deal about Burning Mouth Syndrome


By Maxwell H.

- Oct 7, 2024

Ah, the joy of a spontaneous tongue torching or lip lava without any explanation - welcome to the flame fest called Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS). If your mouth feels like a spicy taco festival gone wrong and glaring causes like chapped lips or oral thrush aren't to blame, you've probably set up camp in BMS land. Nerve pain is the suspected arsonist here, which calls for some serious fire-fighter meds.

Anyone can earn a ticket to the BMS BBQ, but some folks just win the lottery. Being a thriller mystery, BMS chooses its seemingly random victims, enchanting a measly 2% of the population. Higher risk nominees include people already dealing with conditions like diabetes, in which the hot mouth is considered diabetic neuropathy’s spicy gift.

There’s no magical polygraph test for BMS. Trust us, if there was, we'd sell it. Accurately identifying it depends on you being a tattletale about your oral history and a keen observer of what lights the fire upstairs. Not surprisingly, the symptoms of BMS are as straightforward as thermal tongue twisters can be: continuous burning or tingling, mostly on the tongue and lips.

Sleep and food relationships are also likely casualties of BMS warfare. If getting some z's feels like a sequel to Mission Impossible or your Granny's pot roast tastes weird, give BMS a noteworthy mention.

Yes, combatting BMS requires professional intervention because, surprise surprise, you can't ice-bucket challenge nerve pain away. While some find relief in good-old gum chewing and ice sucking, undisturbed beauty sleep is your certified self-care regime. Navigating the BMS diagnosis maze might be stumping, but it's worth it. And hey, we're with you like a ninja dentist in a toothache.

The diagnosis journey starts with your dentist ruling out other oral villains that might be masquerading as BMS. Depression and anxiety play a notorious cameo here, and it's no time to go coy about these issues. Following this, your healthcare team might order some CSI-style additional tests.

Next up is pulling out the medical artillery to tame those hyperactive nerves. Clonazepam, our star nerve-buster, makes an appearance both as a mouthwash and a pill. Its sidekicks feature a range of other meds, including SSRI antidepressants, which serve dual roles - as mood managers and as secret sensory overlord disruptors.

Alright, the local pharmacy isn't entirely off the BMS protocol. You've got pentosan polysulfate sodium and lidocaine, both over-the-counter heroes, to cool down angry flares or pacify tingling tornadoes.

Cleaning up our act plays a big part in the BMS storyline too. Ditching mouth offenders like tobacco, alcohol, or spice bombs like jalapenos can take you a step closer to calm. Bonus tip - give your teeth-clenching stress habit a boot for faster relief.

In a nutshell, Burning Mouth Syndrome is like being served a hot chili sundae without asking for it. However, with your healthcare team's trusty toolkit and your newfound BMS wisdom, you can douse those flames. Now quit being a hot head and cool down with some legit knowledge and actionable strategies. Cheeky? We like to call it spicy reality.
