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Don't Let Wet AMD Blur Your Career Vision: How You Can Still Rock Your Job


By Henry Mason

- May 8, 2024

Wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a common vision affecter in the golden years, isn't just exclusive to retirees. In fact, it's been found to show its pesky face in 14-20% people between 55-75, potentially giving a headache to those adamant about staying in the workforce. But newsflash! Just because your eyes aren't crystal clear, doesn't mean your career has to go up in smoke.

Between strategic workplace modifications, pursuing a tailored treatment plan, and waving the right magic wand (also known as anti-VEGF drugs), keeping your 9-to-5 while dealing with Wet AMD is more possible than you might think. In the words of retina hotshot Dr. Rahul N. Khurana, "Adhering to your treatment plan is critical to preserving your vision and preventing vision loss, which is essential to carrying out your day-to-day tasks."

Off to a good start, but feel like your regular optometrist or ophthalmologist doesn't have the right tools in their shed? Time to seek out a low-vision specialist, your helpful guide to maximizing your remaining vision in a world designed for 20-20 sight. They’re the ones who can help you find the visual aids you need, whether it's a magnifying lens for your computer or a new pair of specs suited for your daily tasks.

Think your vision needs a little exercise? Get yourself some low-vision rehabilitation. We're talking occupational therapists and low-vision therapists whose exclusive job is to juice out every bit of your remaining eyesight for optimal living and working. Suddenly, that spreadsheet sidebar won't look like a blur of gibberish to you.

As much as we'd all like our employers to read our minds and offer us giant-sized monitors, that's not happening anytime soon. Instead, knowing your rights under the Americans with Disability Act is as compelling as understanding your protein-carb-fat ratio. Reasonable workplace modifications can range from snagging assistive technology devices to scheduling much-needed time off for treatments.

Let's wrap this up with a hint of wisdom from Neva Fairchild, a vision loss specialist at the American Foundation for the Blind: "A good conversation with a low-vision therapist, vocational rehabilitation counselor, or vision rehabilitation therapist can help a person hope again - help them dream again." So, push Wet AMD into the passenger seat and reclaim control of your vision and career. Remember, if you want to continue working, with the right attitude, skills, and training, you certainly can.
