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Don't Let Rosacea Ruin the Party: 10 Common Triggers and How to Tackle Them


By Henry Mason

- Jun 23, 2024

If you are among the unlucky folks dealing with rosacea, you probably know by now how temperamental your skin can be. Anything that sets off the embarrassing facial redness, flushing, or burning is your prime enemy, or in the dermatology lingo - a trigger.

Dr. Geeta Yadav, the brains behind FACET Dermatology, explains that these triggers are essentially sneak attacks upon your under-siege skin. They poke the inflamed lion within your body, resulting in chronic rosacea flare-ups. However, one person's trigger might be another one's harmless indulgence, so says dermatology maverick Dr. Steven Daveluy. They insist on a zen-like attentiveness to the potential triggers for your skin.

A determined standoff against your triggers may just be your best bet at holding rosacea at bay or, at least, stopping things from getting uglier. Let's dive right into the 10 most notorious rosacea instigators and how to keep them in their place.

  1. Spicy Foods – Before you dive headfirst into that plate of buffalo wings, be aware that they might come back to bite you. The fiery ingredients in spicy foods are notorious for widening the blood vessels and causing a face-reddening inflow of blood and heat. If you are bold enough, try a toned-down version of your favorites, but if the crimson tide persists, it's time to bid adieu to the spice club.

  2. Hot Beverages – A steaming cup of java might be your morning fuel, but your rosacea won’t thank you. Hot beverages can lead to vasodilation, a fan favorite of rosacea, so says Dr. Yadav. However, a simple way out is to let your beverage cool down to lukewarm before taking a gulp. Alternatively, you could switch to the iced versions.

  3. Stress – One of the sneakiest triggers on the roster is stress. Realistically, while you can’t turn your life into a zen paradise overnight, neglecting to manage life’s frustrations might just prolong your rosacea flare-up. A balanced combination of mindfulness, gratitude, yoga, and mediation can do wonders in stress management.

  4. Hot Showers, Hot Baths, or Saunas – Raising your body temperature to extreme levels can be an invitation for a rosacea flare-up. To avoid overheating, stick to moderate temperatures while bathing, avoid saunas, and always have cold water handy if you're sweating.

  5. Strenuous Exercise – Intense workouts might do wonders for your health, but they might not receive a warm welcome from rosacea. If you’re finding post-workout redness to be a thing, tone down your routine and see the difference.

  6. Alcohol – Top of the pops in the vasodilation club is alcohol, more so if you’re a connoisseur of red wine. Limiting intake or opting for watered-down or cooler beverages can ease your rosacea symptoms.

  7. Extreme Hot and Cold Weather – Both the deathly chills of winter and the scorching summer heat can be an antithesis to your rosacea. A good idea is to always carry beverages and items to keep cool, stay in the shade whenever possible, and for cold weathers, cover up and limit time outdoors.

  8. Sun Exposure – Frequent exposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun can trigger rosacea. Protect your skin by wearing sunscreen, donning a wide-brimmed hat, and staying in the shade.

  9. Skin Care, Hair Care, and Makeup Products – Certain skin, hair, or makeup products can trigger flares in your rosacea-prone skin. Stick to gentle, fragrance-free products and avoid potentially irritating substances.

  10. Certain Medicines – Certain medications, such as beta-blockers and niacin, can further dilate the blood vessels. Check with your healthcare provider if you think medication is the culprit.

In summary, your rosacea symptoms have several potential triggers. However, as daunting as the list might seem, with careful consideration and smart choices, you can keep your symptoms at bay.
