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Don't Go Blind From Ignorance: Unmasking Geographic Atrophy


By Isabel P.

- Jun 1, 2024

Maybe the name "geographic atrophy" doesn't ring a bell, but it's time it should. Lurking in the dark corners of Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD), GA chips away at one million Americans' sight – with a yearly reinforcement of another 160,000 unsuspecting victims. Seems enough reason to edify yourself about this cunning thief, so allow us to be your witty crime investigator.

Picture it like a horror movie. GA is the villain, creeping in silently, whisking away your vision with no trace, leaving you with blurry, void spots. It's "irreversible, progressive, potentially disabling," says Nora Lad, an ophthalmology hotshot from Duke Health. Spooky, isn't it? Let's dive into how this vision vampire can complicate your life through various means.

Firstly, GA enslaves you by eroding your independence. Your love for Paul Walker level speedster thrills, driving under the starry sky, or navigating through exciting, unfamiliar territories? GA will snatch it all away like a ruthless villain. It wreaks havoc on your night vision and reaction time to complex driving scenarios. So, restrict yourself to daylight driving in well-know territories or lean on others for a ride.

Secondly, GA is not a fan of positive vibes either. The dejecting realization of your worsening vision can trigger serious psychological distress. This feeling of being trapped in your own body can weigh heavily on your mental health. The silver lining here is the advent of treatments like pegcetacoplan injection (Syfovre) and avacincaptad pegol intravitreal solution (Izervay), which have shown potential in decelerating GA's evil workings.

Socializing with GA can be a nightmare. Imagine not recognizing your buddy's face in a crowd, or worse, dunking your hand in the spinach dip instead of the chip bowl. It's no surprise how GA can turn party peeps into social hermits.

GA also loves playing pranks with your walking abilities. Studies link vision problems, like GA, to an increased likelihood of falls among older adults. Minor adaptations to your living spaces, like saving your home decor escapades for Pinterest instead of your living room, can save you from nasty accidents.

Lastly, GA enjoys laughing at your daily struggle with mundane tasks like cooking, reading, or watching your guilty pleasure reality show. Independence might seem a distant dream, and a caregiver might feel like your only survival kit. Still, there's hope with innovative coping strategies from occupational therapists and new technologies.

In a nutshell, the time is ripe to pull Geographic Atrophy out from AMD's shadow and recognize its monstrous footprint on our lives. Let's spit on the taboo around vision impairments and initiate an open, honest, and positively sassy conversation about GA.
