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Don't Fear the Reaper: Debunking the Food Preservative Panic


By Isabel P.

- Mar 31, 2024

Brace yourselves, health nuts. Today we’re diving headfirst into the scandalous underworld of…food preservatives. According to a landslide of super-serious, not-at-all-dramatic research published in health journals, shoveling ultraprocessed foods down our gullets like it's going out of style isn't ideal for our wellbeing. You know there's something seriously wrong when death by overprocessing starts trending above skydiving with worn-out parachutes.

Apparently, chemical coloring and flavoring agents, sweeteners, and preservatives are more popular in our shopping carts than that trashy tabloid you pretend not to read while in line. Hell, even U.S. food additives are skyrocketing like a tech company before a stock market crash. For those of us without a chemistry Ph.D., this landscape is about as easy to navigate as a maze, during a hurricane, blindfolded.

But don't fret. Let's break it down together.

Preservatives: the bogeyman of the health world, they're often demonized and misjudged without fair trial. Ironically, their main gig is to keep your food safe and durable, not unlike a dedicated bodyguard. Of course, we're not signing autographs here but getting to our breakfast without it morphing into a science experiment is nice.

With a special mention to stabilizers, our unsung heroes that add the right feel and thickness to our food, making it, well… edible. Their existence can be traced back to ancient times when humans first figured out how to cure and chill food without causing a house-wide case of food poisoning.

Natural versus artificial preservatives is a hot topic in grocery aisle debates. Are artificial preservatives the lab-rats of the farming world? Is natural always better? Well, put away your venom, folks. It turns out, our bodies won't throw a tantrum over whether citric acid came from your granny's orange tree or a lab.

While we're on the topic, don't let those siren calls of "sugar" and "salt" fool you. These so-called 'natural' preservatives can pack a punch to your health when overconsumed.

Health impacts of preservatives have brought noteworthy sparklers to light, but not without their share of eyebrow-raising headlines. There's been a buzzing controversy around the use of certain additives in food, but it's critical to remember all additives must pass a rigorous no-nonsense evaluation known as GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe).

Sure, nisin, TBHQ, and the recently banned preservative propyl paraben have been in the spotlight, but remember, it’s just that – a spotlight. It's crucial we keep everything in context. Should we avoid these ingredients? In the grand scale of things, the FDA keeps such a tight leash on these additives that TBHQ levels couldn't add up to more than 0.02 percent of the fat and oil in food.

Yes, there are databases that rank the safety of food additives like a leaderboard. But beware; these rankings can sometimes be as trustworthy as the last diet fad you heard about. Always take it with a grain of (naturally derived) salt.

So, here's the lowdown. Most preservatives or stabilizers allowed on the market today have jumped through more hoops than a champion agility dog. Still, if you think you might be allergic or sensitive to any of these ingredients, steer clear. And if the chemical jargon on your food labels consistently gives you indigestion, remember the golden rule: a balanced diet of whole foods is your go-to. Consider it your lifeboat when navigating the sea of preservatives and stabilizers.
