Defying Nutrient Deficiency: A Woman's Guide to Supplements
- Jun 6, 2024
Untangling the intricate web of nutrition, this guide shines a candid spotlight on women's dietary needs. A well-rounded diet brimming with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and protein sources is the stalwart of good health. Still, our diets could sometimes do with a supplemental nudge. Women, in particular, might encounter nutrient gaps induced by restrictive diets, medical conditions, or due to increased nutrient needs during certain life stages.
Being a staunch 'no BS' advocate, I'm here to clarify that no supplement can amend a poor diet. But yes, paradoxically, there are instances where a supplement can augment a woman's diet. Much like that patch you'd slap on a slow-leaking tire until you find a full-fledged tire shop.
Jamie Adams, MS, RDN, LDN, owner of Well Nourished Mamas, notes that supplements can come in handy during phases like perimenopause and menopause, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and for women trying to conceive. Our team of dietitians tirelessly review each recommended supplement as per our dietary supplement methodology, so rest assured, no nonsense peddled here.
As straightforward as it may seem, every supplement isn't for every woman. It mostly depends on her diet, health status, and life stage. Women can benefit from an array of supplements, from multivitamins to high-quality protein powders, depending on their specific needs. Here are some staples in the supplement cosmos aligned to women's health:
FullWell Prenatal: Packed with essential nutrients, this multivitamin is perfect if you're pregnant or planning. It contains a generous level of vitamin D, over half the recommended amount of choline, and chelated minerals for easier absorption.
Ritual Postnatal Multivitamin: For the mothers post-delivery or still breastfeeding. A mix of choline, iodine, and omega-3 fatty acids makes this a win to fuel both maternal recovery and infant development.
HUM Here Comes the Sun: A nifty supplement for Vitamin D boost. Especially ideal for women of reproductive age and those missing out on ample sunlight.
Thorne’s Iron Bisglycinate: Specifically recommended for menstruating and pregnant women. Its form-iron bisglycinate-is known for easy tolerance.
Doctor’s Best High Absorption Magnesium: A must-have for women experiencing symptoms of PCOS, PMS, pregnancy, or menopause. Also great for bone and heart health.
Now Foods Lecithin Softgels: Rooted firmly on the essential nutrients list, choline, integral for pregnant, breastfeeding, and postmenopausal women.
New Chapter’s Wholemega: An excellent option if you're scant on fish in your diet.
Nature Made B12: Vegetarian or vegan users can complement their vitamin B12 needs with these handy tablets.
Garden of Life mykind Organics: A convenient one-stop shop solution if you fancy only a single supplement.
Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides: This supplement can be your ally to support your skin, hair, nails, and joints.
Not on the hairsplitting but hilarious fringe, supplements can be a potent ally for women. However, just as with fad diets, don't let the marketing hype hoodwink you. 'Women-specific' supplements might not necessarily be the elixir they claim to be. Always work with your healthcare provider to identify your nutritional needs and understand if a supplement is required. It might be that good ol' sunlight or an egg a day can keep the supplement away!