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Decoding Dehydration: The Hidden Dangers of Hypernatremia


By Henry Mason

- Sep 13, 2024

In the world of dehydration, where losing fluids is more than just a game of thirst, enters a villain known as 'Hypernatremia.' Also recognized as hypertonic dehydration, it spills into existence when the body unintentionally hosts a going-away party for water but forgets to invite sodium. It's like throwing a shindig for your favorite celebrities but forgetting to tell Beyoncé-it ain't gonna work out well.

This salty dehydration scenario arises as one of the three dehydration musketeers, right next to its mates, isonatremic and hyponatremic dehydration. While isonatremic wins the balanced lifestyle award for expelling a matching amount of fluids and sodium, hyponatremic shows a penchant for drama, saying adios to more sodium than water.

Then there's our main culprit, hypertonic dehydration. It might sound like it's been pumping iron in the gym, but in reality, it's the result of losing more H2O than sodium in the body. Coming second in the race of most common dehydrations, hypertonic claims its stake over about 15% of dehydration cases.

'Reasons for its existence?' you ask. Well, the same as anyone who hits the gym too hard and forgets to hydrate-too much sweating, not enough drinking. In others, it's an uninvited guest tagging along with chronic illnesses like the end-stage renal disease or diabetes insipidus. Occasionally, the common spells of diarrhea or vomiting can win you a ticket to the hypertonic dehydration club too.

If anyone ever told you salty isn't a vibe, they haven't met sodium. Sodium is the cool kid on the block-present both in hydration and dehydration parties, helping the body keep its blood volume and fluid level in check. But beware, salt is not the same as sodium. Sodium is your straightforward, 100% pure friend, while salt is the composite bro, rocking 40% sodium and 60% chloride.

People with mild hypertonic dehydration might find themselves as tired as sloths in a sprint, battling thirst like a camel in a desert, or being restless as a cat in a dog park. If the imbalance takes a turn for the worse, symptom severity may increase, potentially leading to complicated complications like convulsions or loss of consciousness.

Think you're a potential victim of hypertonic dehydration? Don’t play medical Sherlock Holmes. Get yourself checked by a health professional. A detailed medical history, lifestyle questionnaire, and medical tests for fluid and sodium levels will serve well to wrap this mystery up.

Severe hypertonic dehydration can wreak havoc worse than that last office party. Yes, we're talking potential organ failure, folks. But with a swift punch of oral rehydration leveraging the collective power of sodium, potassium, and glucose, the dehydration villain can be sent packing. In extreme cases, IV rehydration might step in to save the day, giving water a direct route into your bloodstream.

What's the mantra to keep hypertonic dehydration away? It's as easy as balancing water and sodium in the body. And for those embracing the great outdoors recklessly in extreme heat-don't forget to take cooling breaks, give your body a mist shower, and most importantly, hydrate!

Remember, sometimes the thirst is not just real-it's hypernatremic. So, don't let your body wander towards excessive fluid loss. Drink smartly, stay salty (in moderation), and keep the dangers of dehydration at bay.
