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Could Your Yoga Teacher Diagnose This Psoriatic Arthritis Foe?


By Gavin Hayes

- Mar 22, 2024

Arthritis mutilans is not the kind of arthritis that comes with a gold 'congrats-you've-retired' watch. It's a hardcore, rather ruthless version of psoriatic arthritis that typically bulldozes the petite bones of your hands, leading to deformity and a goodbye wave to functionality. This pesky condition potentially targets around 5 percent of the brave souls battling psoriatic arthritis.

With time, these unfortunate folks experience destruction of their hand's skeletal warriors. Fingers, in particular, bear the brunt. However, there's neither rest for the wicked nor a pass for those poor feet. The result? You could end up with stubby, unsteady digits colloquially termed as “opera glass hands” or “telescoping fingers.”

Fortunately, the FCUK-me-lightly type deformities due to arthritis mutilans are on the decline, thanks to earlier diagnoses and advancements in our medical war win against psoriatic arthritis. Still, those neglecting treatment for psoriatic arthritis may eventually face the orchestra of mutilans.

Arthritis mutilans sports a unique array of symptoms, such as nip-tucked fingers and toes, hypermobile, flailing joints, extreme difficulty performing hand-based tasks, and walking impediments due to feet involvement. It's like you're holding an opera glass while attempting a tightrope walk.

One standout feature of the arthritis mutilans performance is the ‘pencil-in-cup’ deformity. This bizarrely artistic display happens when one side of the joint gets more emaciated than an A-list model’s waistline and sneakily dives into the welcoming circumference of the other bone. Consider it a gruesome interpretation of the classic nesting doll trick.

Arthritis mutilans arises mainly due to osteolysis in psoriatic arthritis. In other words, the bone becomes a self-cannibal, devouring its own minerals. The longer you bear the burden of psoriatic arthritis, the higher the odds are of dancing this deadly tango with mutilans. Women, put your guard up! You're standing in the line of fire more than men. However, psoriatic arthritis's overall severity does not predict your chances of getting arthritis mutilans.

Often, your body's defenders go rogue in psoriatic arthritis, aiming their guns at the healthy cells and tissues, causing inflammation and unsightly skin renditions. Both your grandpa's genes and your environment have a hand in this undesirable enemy.

Diagnosing our villain, arthritis mutilans, often involves playing Sherlock Holmes with X-rays, MRIs, and blood tests. However, there are no rabbit-out-of-a-hat tricks to reverse the damage already wreaked by arthritis mutilans. But don't throw in the towel just yet. With effective treatment for psoriatic arthritis, your sequel can take a turn from horror story to rom-com. Your hand or foot pain, reminiscent of the hand-of-God cramping in 'Space Jam,' can find relief. Treatments range from prescribed medication to over-the-counter remedies, heating pads, and physical therapy.

The chilling truth is that arthritis mutilans may change your body's script in an irreversible way. But you're certainly not out of options. It's time to slap on your war paint and wage a battle against arthritis mutilans before it takes the lead role in your life's theatre.
