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Chomping Myths: The Reality Behind Gum Chewing and Jawline Definition


By Ella T.

- Jul 3, 2024

So you've started a new gum-chewing regime, believing every bite gets you a step closer to a swoon-worthy jawline. As wild as that may sound, there's no concrete scientific evidence to back up these claims. Sure, chewing gum might pump your facial muscles a bit, but don’t expect your mirror selfie to reveal a jawline sharp enough to cut glass overnight.

Trendy facial fitness gums are storming the wellness scene, promising to mold your jawline to perfection in sync with the lesser-known practice of mewing. But beware, experts warn: mewing and its bubblegum counterparts are not a jaw-surgery alternative and come without expert regulation.

In 2018, a mini-study observed the impact of gum-chewing exercise on bite force, revealing an upgrade in chewability, particularly for dolicho facial morphology folks. Continuous training also amped up tongue pressure (TP) and cheek pressure (CP), assisting with swallowing and feeding. Alas, these perks do not translate to an enhanced jawline since the chewing muscle VIPs ironically reside in your cheeks and neck.

Surprisingly, your dazzling jawline owes a grand thank you to genetics. No amount of gum-chewing marathons can change that. As for the double chin: A small number of burnt calories during chewing won't carve that out - that's where a healthy diet and overall weight loss flex their muscle. Chewing gum can't supersize your face either. Any facial thickness links more to weight gain from a calorie surplus than the laborious mastication of gum.

So, why bother to chew gum in the face of these revelations? Some find it enjoyable and beneficial. But be warned: excessive chewing can turn sour, causing joint wear, pain, and even gastrointestinal issues. Consult with a board-certified medical provider to explore viable surgical and nonsurgical options to enhance your jawline. These experts may save you from unwanted side effects and lead you to real, evidence-based results.

In conclusion: if you're seeking DSLR-worthy jawlines, looking at gum as your knight in shiny armor might be a sticky situation. Too much gum chewing might wreak havoc on joints and cause digestive drama. A balanced diet and exercise regime remain the go-to for facial fat reduction (excluding the jawline, thank you, genetics!). Professional consultation beats understudied mewing methods and excessive gum chomping when concerned about the appearance of your jaw.
