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Call it a Snooze Fest: Are Antibiotics Making You Tired?


By Clara T.

- Oct 13, 2024

"Ah, antibiotics. Elixir of life or bane of your existence? It depends on who you ask and when. As far as I'm aware, antibiotics were never meant to double as a substitute for sleeping pills or some contrived, Hollywood-inspired form of chemical hibernation. However, some folks insist on feeling more tuckered out than usual on their antibiotic regimen. Are they just whiners or is there veracity to these claims? Let's dive in, with an IV drip of humor and a shot of reality, we'll try and make sense of this phenomenon.

Fact numero uno. Most antibiotics don't include 'snoozing like a sloth' as a common side effect. That being said, a few outliers have been reported to cause fatigue, like the infamous macrolides. But really, is it the drug's fault? Or can we point fingers at the pesky infection itself? You know, the one the antibiotic is there to K-O in the first place?

Does it make sense that your body might feel tired because it's busy launching World War III against a bacterial invasion? If bacteria, despite having conjured images of amoebic blobs, turn suicide bombers and release toxins as they bite the dust, it's bound to leave you feeling drained. The good guys have a strategy too. Your immune system, already putting up a stellar performance, takes assistance from the antibiotic and might just drain a little more energy, explaining your newfound bond with your bed.

Frustrated because this makes you feel like recovery's playing hard to get? Here are some solid tips to help manage the fatigue - stay hydrated, ensure nutrition, and get plenty of rest (kinda a given). If you're practically hibernating and fatigue still wears you down, get in touch with your healthcare provider. There's a thin line between a side effect and feeling like you've been hit by a bus repeatedly.

While we're wallowing in self-pity, let's remember other medications alongside antibiotics might also be party killers. Some culprits are known to cause fatigue and drowsiness. If your cocktail of pills includes such party poopers with antibiotics, well you've got an excuse to feel pooped.

Extreme fatigue cramping your style? Don't pull a 'John Wayne' and tough it out. Talk to your healthcare provider. An adjustment in your treatment plan or med switch could help. Your fatigue might not be a solo performance by the antibiotics. Remember, the infection itself is a big drain on your energy reserves. Other contributors to your weariness might range from a god-awful sleep pattern to chronic dehydration, or even just an imbalance in your diet.

To cut the long story short, antibiotics might not be the reason behind your fatigue. There can be several culprits at play. Stay hydrated, eat right, rest well, and if all else fails, give your healthcare provider a buzz!"
