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Bust That Backache: The Power of Walking on Lower Back Pain


By Maxwell H.

- Jul 5, 2024

Tired of that persistent backache? Rolling in riches but still can’t afford a personal trainer? Welcome to the club. Australian researchers recently stumbled upon the magical solution: walking. A no-nonsense, free exercise that surprisingly, everyone knows how to do.

The exploration involved 701 back pain-laden individuals who fell into the rather cloudy category of non-specific low back pain (essentially back pain with no pre-existing name tag). One band of these sufferers marched along with an individualized walking routine, while the other group, tragically, got no such lucky deal.

Alongside their weekly strolls, the walkers had therapy sessions with a physical therapist who taught the fine art of pain science (yes, that's a thing) and the beautiful dance steps in the ballet of lower back pain mitigation. Now, our researchers, the party-poopers that they are, couldn’t quite nail down if it was the act of walking or the therapist chumming it up with the patients that truly prompted the pain relief.

Regardless, it is clear that wearing tracks in the pavement can lead to stronger cores and back muscles, helping to kick that lower back pain to the curb. Now, we know we’re all unique snowflakes, and some might lean more towards yoga than a brisk walk along the riverside – and that’s cool. The important thing is to find what works for you, and hint: it might be something as simple as walking.

This age-old nature-worshipping activity ramps up blood flow and slices through back stiffness clean, like hot butter – minus the calories of course. Unlike other activities (looking at you Pilates), walking doesn't have you twisting your spine as if it were a bendy straw, potentially flaring up your pain levels.

Starting with mini walks, say about three or four a week, we recommend adding an extra day of the exercise or boosting your walking time by increments every week. As long as your back says ‘thank you,’ you're golden.

There’s no concrete answer as to why walking slashes lower back pain frequency, but our hunch is on mood elevation. With every step, you unlock a floodgate of endorphins – happier brain chemicals that take the 'ouch!' out of pain and the 'eh!' out of moods.

Should your morale be at rock-bottom, you’re looking at worsened pain. So, adding some light exercise to your schedule could be a game changer for both your mood and pain woes. And hey, snag a buddy or start a walking club; let's turn pain treatment into a social event!

However, a point of caution: not all back pain sufferers should immediately adorn their walking shoes. A heat-inducing, energy-loaded activity (like scaling Everest or a brisk walk) might kick-start muscle inflammation, leading to further pain. Should you find yourself here, ice could be your next best friend, or it might be time to talk to a healthcare professional in search of other options.

Ultimately, managing back pain is a tricky beast, often demanding an amalgamation of activities and tweaks in lifestyle, including ample sleep, hydration, and education on pain triggers. But sometimes, it could be as simple as taking one step at a time.
