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Bite The Boredom: Understanding and Controlling Emotional Eating


By Maxwell H.

- Aug 12, 2024

Are you a self-professed stress-eater? Or find yourself reaching for the cookie jar when you're feeling low or perhaps a little more on the 'meh' side of life? Welcome to the club, mate - you're stuck in the vortex of emotional eating. So, clamp onto your good old food journal and fasten the belts, because we're about to jump into a sweet-and-sour roller coaster ride through the intricacies of this universal guilty habit.

So, what gets the ball rolling for most of us? It's boredom. Yeah, you heard it right. That persistent monotone hum in your daily grind is what usually leads you to look for a little thrill in the form of food (preferably the ones that shout 'calorie-fiesta'). Because why cure boredom with rock climbing or playing fetch with your dog when you can sedate it with buttery scones and triple-decker burgers?

Of course, the usual suspects such as stress, loneliness, childhood trauma, and depression can also push us towards munching. Let's face it - comfortably cozying up with a tub of ice cream is far more appealing than dealing with other, far less edible emotions. And of course, the wicked thing about emotional eating is that it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy – you eat, you feel bad about eating, you eat some more.

Knowing why we do what we do is the first step. Then, take a look at how you're feeling when you're ravaging through the pantry - are you ravenous or just upset? Can a brisk walk around the block possibly stave off that sudden urge to complete the 'Cake Boss' marathon?

The concept of Mindful Eating can also come in really handy here. Tune in to your body's physical cues of hunger and fullness, instead of your emotions. While sitting down with a counselor isn't everyone's cup of tea, it's definitely worth considering if your eating habits are causing you distress.

An unchecked emotional eating habit can lead you down a spiral, exacting a toll on your emotional and physical health. It tends to trigger feelings of guilt and burden your social interactions, increasing loneliness and unhappiness. Not to mention the increased risk of weight gain and related chronic diseases, thanks to your constant dates with high-fat, salty, calorie-laden 'comfort' foods.

Emotional eating is not the 'beast from within' we often make it out to be. Acknowledging your emotional triggers and finding healthier alternatives to handle stress are essential. Be it meditating, listening to music, dancing like a maniac, or simply calling up an old friend, find what lights you up, and not just in a gastronomic sense.

Lastly, maintaining a food journal can be an immense help. Noting not only what and when you ate but also how you felt before, during, and after, can offer valuable insights and help construct healthier dietary habits. Remember, it’s all about understanding, not judging.

Break free from the chains of emotional eating; be kind to yourself, take that power back from your pantry, and make your own rules.
