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Yoga Blocks 101: Because Gravity Is Overrated Anyway


By Gavin Hayes

- Sep 3, 2024

Have you ever been defeated by a yoga pose that would require three extra knees to pull off? Well, lucky for you, this is where yoga blocks come in. These humble props are like the cheat codes for yoga- bringing the floor up to you when your hamstrings just won't cooperate and giving you the extra inch you need when your arms happen to correspond to their anatomical name. Designed in different sizes and materials, they're the game-changers you need to gain confidence, muscle, and miraculously hold your body in ways you never thought possible.

They're the Swiss Army knife of yoga accessories-here to lift you, balance you and prevent you from injuring yourself while pursuing Instagram-worthy yoga poses. To use them effectively, you plonk them wherever they can prop you up and offer support, like under your hand when the floor is too far or supporting your pelvis when a seated pose is turning into a wrestling match with gravity.

Think of yoga blocks as your personal stunt double - they got your back, help you touch the sky (or the floor) and deepen your stretches, minus the paramedics at the end of your class. From facilitating intense twists to easing into relaxing stretches, these tools are your elevator to yoga nirvana.

Unassuming in appearance, yoga blocks also moonlight as workout tools. From building a bridge under you to nail the elusive pull of gravity, to upgrading your split game without ripping anything critical, the addition of yoga blocks in your practice brings a world of possibilities to your mat.

Ready to climb the yoga block ladder? Dive headfirst with poses you're already friend-zoned with-like Downward Dog or Child's Pose-before venturing into the unknown. Feel free to adjust the block heights and positioning to suit your comfort and challenge level. Remember, these tools aren't your crutches, but personal assistants, helping you pull off your yoga feats with grace and adequacy.

To step up your yoga game and leverage from the block benefits, check out Yoga Fat Loss Bible by Avocadu - a transformative program designed to shed fat, boost flexibility, and boost strength, all under the protective watch of your yoga blocks. Because, let's face it, when it comes down to you vs. gravity, it's nice to have an ally. Call in the blocks, and live to stretch another day.
