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Why Exercise Snacking is Your New Nom Nom Nom


By Ella T.

- Apr 9, 2024

With everything cramming your diary, Squat Day at the gym may sit somewhere between getting a root canal and reading War & Peace. Terrible, right? But, and here’s the life-changer, what if you're wrong? What if you can still smash a workout, yes, even amid that monstrous to-do list? Savor this: You can munch on "exercise snacks" that can supercharge your energy and offset some detrimental effects of sitting.

Dr. Emmanuel Stamatakis from the University of Sydney sings praises to any form of movement. Thirty seconds or less of stair-sprinting or speed-walking home. It all totals up to bolster your fitness level, heart, and lungs. The proof is in the pudding (this is a figure of speech, don’t really eat pudding): a study showed brief high-intensity workouts, aka “exercise snacks,” amplified cardiorespiratory fitness in reputable couch potatoes.

Are you stuck sitting in front of your laptop for most of the day? Chuckle at that. Do an around-the-world lunge. The movement unlocks your hip, lowers back and leg muscles that have been in sleep mode while sitting. Next, sneak in squats. At best, squats are your passport to stronger lower body muscles. At worst, you'll feel like you have super creative ways to avoid work. Either way, win-win.

Got five minutes before you mentally check out for the day? Cool! Hold a plank for as long as you can. You'll feel like you did a full core workout without even breaking a sweat. And here's a kicker, if you want to make your workout slightly more entertaining, try a bear crawl. You'll look like a toddler, but you'll be challenging your body in a whole new way.

Cheekiness aside, the main point is that there's always time for a little bit of movement, even if it's disguised as playful silliness. Every step, lung, crawl, or squat could help you cultivate a fitter and healthier self. So cheers to your health, now get out there, and devour that exercise snack.
