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Walk or Die: The Brutally Straightforward Benefits of Foot Power


By Ella T.

- Jul 15, 2024

It seems the simplest of exercises is actually a hidden superpower. Walking. It strengthens weak hearts, fights against obesity, breaks down cholesterol walls, decreases sugar cravings, boosts your rotting mood, and even adds years to your life. It's the sort of magic potion your grandparents would have sworn by, and guess what? They were right.

No, it's not flashy, it doesn't have a trademark, and it won't involve prancing around in technicolor leggings or drinking kale-laced teas. Instead, reach for your dusty sneakers, go out your door, and start moving those legs. Pun intended.

The calorie massacre that walking provides is a shocker - the number of calories burned depends on how fast you walk, your body type, and if you're wrestling with a steep hill or chilling on flat turf.

The heart is a muscle that enjoys a good workout, and a brisk walk does just that. It's like pumping Muscle Milk directly into your body. Your heart rate increases, circulation improves, those nasty LDL cholesterol levels decrease, and you experience a general sense of banishing heart disease once and for all.

If you thought the benefits stop there, you're in for a no-pain, all-gain surprise. Walking after a meal regulates your sugar rush like insulin's bouncer at the bloodstream club. And that speed you're walking at? The faster, the better - As the saying goes, ‘Walk like someone on your Christmas naughty list is right on your tail.’

Joint pains and arthritis won't know what hit them. Walking is like giving your joints a hot oil massage, especially your knees and hip joints. It strengthens the support around them and even helps with weight loss, which ensures these joints aren't carrying around extra baggage.

Remember when grandma used to say a walk a day will keep the doctor away? She wasn't talking out of her hat. Regular exercise, specifically walking, enhances your immunity. A study concluded that those who walked five days a week had around 43% fewer sick days than those who did not.

Walking might not involve heavy lifting or your trainer's sweaty brow, but it uses several muscles that burn calories and idly standing around never will. Your added modern benefit here? It also fires up your creative thinking, so enjoy trading your office desk for a walking brainstorming session.

If you're feeling low on energy, a walk could be a natural, side-effect-free energy drink. It releases oxygen throughout the body and ignites those "feel-good hormones.” Even a 10-minute stroll seems to improve your mood, lessening your stress levels like your own personal shrink-on-the-go.

Before you kick start this old-school, no-frill body workout, remember to start slow and avoid being the hare in this race. A gradual build-up avoids injuries. 'FIT' is your new mantra here: 'Frequency, Intensity, and Time.' Wrap up your walks in the safe cocoon of common sense to avoid accidents and injuries.
