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"Vision Loss from DME? Drop the Dumbbells, Grab the Yoga Mat"


By Ella T.

- Sep 27, 2024

Call it a cruel joke from the universe. You're dealing with Diabetic Macular Edema (DME), a condition which messes with your vision, and to slow down this little demon, you're told to exercise. But my friend, if you can't spot the dumbbells at your local gym, how are you supposed to lift them?

You won't find the answer in lengthy medical journals (seriously, who has time for that?). You'll find it here. Because guess what? Yes, you should exercise, but not all exercises are created equal when it comes to DME.

Why so? Well, in layman's terms, DME translates to "your blood sugar went berserk and started bullying vessels in your eye, causing them to leak." The result? Nasty blurry vision. But if you can hold this bully by its collar - with meds, diet changes or physical activity - you have a shot at regaining normal vision.

So what type of physical activity should you engage in? That's what we're here to show you. We'll give you a list of exercises so good; they'll feel like dessert (the sugar-free kind, but still).

The walking game: Yep, it sounds boring, but it is your safest bet. You don't need a gym for it, just some comfy shoes. Want to level up? Keep it metrics-based – aim at 87 steps per minute (for men) and 100 per minute (for women). Afraid of tripping? Walk on a treadmill.

Stationary cycling: Cycling helps appease your blood sugar bullies, and a stationary bike keeps you safe from unexpected road bumps (because, vision troubles, remember?).

Swim against the tide: Aquatic adrenaline can be a great help too. Be consistent, invest in prescription goggles for better underwater vision and make waves!

Go the Yoga way: Yoga is the sherpa guiding your blood glucose downhill but be wary of inverted poses. These can lead to pooling of blood, causing bleeding in the eye. If in a class, ask for a modified pose if needed.

Balance with Tai Chi: This gentle martial art is known to improve blood sugar levels and balance, which is key for those with vision problems.

Avoid powerlifting, high-antic workouts, and contact sports if your DME is advanced. Once your condition is under control, you can slowly reintroduce these exercises. But till then, focus on safer workouts that won't potentially harm your eye while also keeping your blood sugar in check.

Grab a friend or hire a professional trainer to assist you during your workouts. Or find audio-based workouts online. The point is to be active and consistent. Your enemy may be microscopic, but your determination isn't. Time to kick some DME butt!
