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Unraveling the Truths and Myths about Walking Workouts


By Clara T.

- Dec 12, 2023

Walking workouts have become extremely popular worldwide, driven by the inclusivity, accessibility, and low cost of the exercise. From contributing to significant weight loss to easy integration into daily routines, walking has been recognized as a practical and beneficial fitness activity. This article discusses the truth behind the common myths associated with walking as a workout and provides insights into the real benefits of walking exercise.

Myth 1: Walking 10,000 Steps a Day Is Ideal - The popular notion of achieving 10,000 steps a day is a marketing concept rather than a scientifically-backed benchmark for daily targets. Studies have shown that although walking more steps can reduce death rates and health incidences, the exact amount necessary for maximum benefit is yet to be determined.

Fact 1: Walking Helps With Blood Sugar Control - Engaging in physical activity like walking can help manage blood glucose levels and maintain insulin sensitivity. Walking, particularly after meals, has been shown to effectively reduce blood sugar levels, decreasing the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Myth 2: Walking Can Cure Depression and Anxiety - While regular exercise can indeed boost mood and contribute to mental health, walking cannot cure clinical disorders like depression or anxiety. These disorders usually require professional treatment alongside regular exercise.

Myth 3: Running Is Always Superior to Walking - Contrary to popular belief, walking and running have different benefits according to personal goals. Walking is easier on the body and carries less risk of injury, while running improves oxygen capacity and CO2 output. However, moderate to intense walking can reduce the risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes, the same as running.

Myth 4: You Shouldn’t Walk Every Day of the Week - Due to the low-intensity nature of walking, it's possible to walk every day. If walks are particularly strenuous, rest days and varied exercise forms can be beneficial.

Fact 2: You Must Walk Faster to Burn More Calories - The intensity of a workout dictates the number of calories burned. Thus, increasing the intensity of walking through speed and other methods like interval training can enhance calorie burning.

Myth 5: You Have to Walk 30 Minutes Continuously to See Health Benefits - Walking sessions can be broken up into smaller segments throughout the day and still provide substantial health benefits.

Fact 3: Silent Walking Is Good for You - Walking without distractions, known as "silent walking," allows for mindful walking which is beneficial for inducing positive emotions, decreasing distress, and reducing blood pressure.

Myth 6: Indoor and Outdoor Steps Yield the Same Results - Outdoor walking, due to changing terrain and surroundings, can provide different experiences and benefits compared to indoor walking. However, both forms of walking are beneficial and contribute to overall fitness.
