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Unraveling the Exercise-Sleep Enigma: Your Nighttime Routine Could be Wrecking Your Zzz's


By Gavin Hayes

- Mar 6, 2025

Late-night CrossFit may give you the fitness kick you crave, but increasingly, science is saying it's a nocturnal no-no when it comes to sleep optimization. Despite the belief that an intense HIIT session should leave you ready to crash into dreamland, research hints that late-evening workouts, particularly of the moderate to vigorous variety, can serve up a side dish of sleep sabotage.

Don't get us wrong, we're not advocating for the couch potato life. Regular exercise scores you numerous health points, sleep quality elevation included. However, timing is crucial. Think of it like ordering a cappuccino at a fancy cafe- it's all about the execution. Vigorous exercise (the running, cycling, or swimming kind) can be detrimental close to snooze time. But lighten the load to strolling or a gentle yoga class, and you're right on track.

Why the emphasis on slowing down? The nervous system's a bit like a superstar diva-it has on and off states. During the active state, it's ready to tackle anything from an intense deadlift session to catching your kids chasing their new puppy. The resting state, conversely, is when sleep drops by. Pumping the adrenaline pre-bedtime is akin to slapping a shot of espresso in your warm milk telling your nervous system to stay in active mode, thus messing up your sleep.

Our bodies are smart, and they prep for sleep by cooling down. However, nocturnal workouts are like a spanner in the works, hiking up internal temperatures, essentially sending mixed signals to your body.

Here's the kicker: hardcore training near bedtime not only complicates sleep onset but can also compromise sleep quality. It's like running a race with hurdles; you're bound to trip sometime. When getting a sweet slumber seems like a battle, it may be time to rethink your nighttime routine.

There are people who can only fit in fitness after sunset because that's life. If you find yourself faced with such a predicament, it’s crucial to curate a slew of calming activities like stretching or mindful meditation to smooth the adrenaline peaks. However, don’t overdo it – remember, our goal here is to chill before sawing logs, not train for the Olympics.

For a night spent in the embrace of Morpheus instead of fitful tossing and turning, plan your moderate or rigorous workout at least two hours before your bedtime. A casual stroll, meanwhile, can be squeezed into the schedule an hour before lights out.

Ultimately, a well-timed fitness regimen is a sleek double-edged sword, dicing through daytime fatigue and shaping you for improved z's. We all crave the latter, but scoring it might require conscious effort. So, while a brisk walk after supper is fine, save the chipper jogging sessions for the morning or afternoon, well away from the twilight hours.
