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Unleashing the Superpowers of Sweat: Why Exercising in the Wild Trumps the Gym


By Isabel P.

- Aug 3, 2024

We've all been there, on the treadmill, watching each agonizing minute tick by. It's time to shake things up. Because working out, like any good thing, shouldn’t feel like witnessing paint dry. Shove your treadmill to the back, say ciao to your trusty yoga mat, step outdoors and say hello to the wild! Contrary to popular belief, fitness is not restricted to equipment-laden gyms or small confined spaces in your living room. Researchers have discovered that what’s outside your door might just be the missing ingredient in your fitness regimen. Nature's gym is now officially open.

Dr. Jay Maddock, an elite at Texas A&M University’s Center for Health & Nature, underlines that wilderness could become the finest podium for fostering physical activity. With parks, trails, and community gardens far outdoing indoor fitness venues, it’s the wild that folks enjoy the most.

Where natural environments turn into workout arenas is where Physical Activity in Natural Settings (PANS) comes into play. This can involve healthy activities like taking an arena stroll while dodging a squirrel, practicing your push-up game at an urban park, or kayaking in silent, sunlit waters.

Swapping your indoor gym for the great outdoors carries rewards beyond the initial adrenaline rush. Research showcases that outdoor activities can elevate your mood, beat down that chronic stress and anxiety, cut down your risk of heart disease, and even boost your immune function. Not bad for a free membership to Mother Nature's club, huh?

Nevertheless, although being one with nature sounds ideal, it does come with a disclaimer. Dr. Kevin Lanza from UTHealth Houston School of Public Health points out the boons and banes of the wild are inseparable. Risks like variable weather conditions and uncharted terrains are just a few to mention.

We aren’t disregarding the value of traditional gym workouts but implying that outdoor workouts hold their own, often overlooked, worth. If you're ready to discard the dull and embrace nature's therapy, start by planning your wild regime, and ground rules for your safety. Make sure to track local weather and air conditions and your hydration levels, and let someone know your whereabouts. Adapting to weather changes and ensuring required safety measures like wearing helmets while cycling or avoiding risky trails while running can be a real game-changer.

So what are you waiting for? It's time to get out there, chase those endorphins in the wilderness and benefit from a myriad of health perks the wild has to share.
