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Pilates Power: The Irreverent Guide to Getting Fit Without The Nonsense


By Ella T.

- Jun 8, 2024

Oh, we are diving into the rabbit hole of fitness fusion this week! For all you sweaty masochists and fitness freaks, we are spelunking into the world of Pilates. An embodiment of fitness meets finesse, Pilates is a badass, full-body workout that flexes more than 600 exercise variations into your life. What's the catch? There isn’t one. And that’s an Eat Kale Or Die Trying guarantee!

Originally fashioned from the twisted, creative mind of Joseph Pilates (yes, he loved this stuff so much he named it after himself), this workout makes you the puppet master of your muscles. Control is paramount. Precision is king. Strengthen your core, build lean muscles, improve posture, and let’s not forget – alleviate those pesky back pains.

So, channel your inner contortionist as we take a deep dive into the interconnected hoopla of Pilates. Get ready to crunch some abs, lengthen those limbs, and ditch the myth that Pilates is just for lithe ballet dancers and Hollywood celebs.

Does Pilates sound too good to be true? Believe the hype, because we have the facts to back it up. Researchers claim that practicing Pilates can help you manage various types of pain, enhance your mobility, and increase muscular endurance. Heck, even the gods of osteoarthritis argue this workout can relieve pain related to their realm.

Ladies, let’s speak woman-to-woman here. Rough menstrual periods? There’s a Pilates workout for that too. Early studies suggest that 12 weeks into Pilates can decrease agony from the monthly curse, improving sleep quality and wellbeing.

For the budding Zen masters out there, Pilates doesn’t forget about the mind. The workout merges breathing techniques with body movements for enhanced control. It’s not just about muscle and power; it’s about intention and harmony – the kind that keeps stress levels in check and leaves you with an unlikely energy buzz.

Do you have issues with motivation? (Don’t we all!) No worries! Pilates might be the workout you've been seeking, acting as a much-needed kick in the butt towards goal-oriented actions.

Are you a sex god or goddess in your golden years? Pilates can help, boosting pelvic floor strength and function leading to, eh-hem, greater pleasure.

The point here is: if you haven’t jumped on the Pilates bandwagon yet, now’s your chance. Always wondered what that sliding and springy contraption at the gym is? That’s the Pilates reformer, and it’s there to promote length, strength, and balance.

Is Pilates for everyone? Absolutely! Yes, even if you're expecting a baby, strapping on that bump and acing some Pilates exercises may improve labor outcomes. (But obviously, do check with your healthcare provider first.)

Do you wish to drop a few pounds? While Pilates isn’t the king of calorie-burning, it certainly helps strengthen and tone your body, making weight loss an easier journey.

But no matter how gloriously we sing the virtues of Pilates, we advise that consulting with your healthcare provider is always smart before embarking on any new fitness routine.

Pilates offers a smorgasbord of alternative exercise sequences and modifications, but remember, every body is unique - just like our badass approach to delivering you no-BS fitness advice on EatKaleOrDieTrying.

Get ready to rock that core with Pilates! It’s crunch time, folks.
