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Late-Night Sweats: The Hidden Benefits of Evening Workouts


By Isabel P.

- Apr 20, 2024

Pack away your pre-dawn enthusiasm and evenings in on the couch, according to an Australian study, evening workouts are the hidden jewel in the fight against obesity. Conducted by Sweat-Maestro Angelo Sabag, lecturer in exercise physiology at the Sydney School of Health Sciences, the late night work out trend has firmly put end to the early bird getting the worm.

The dawn of this radical discovery springs from studying several thousands of UK Biobank data-sourced adults with obesity. Timeframes were cut for morning, afternoon, and evening exercising and subsequently lobbed on a course of nearly eight-years of life-tracking. An accelerometer on each participant measured the amount and timing of physical activity. In essence, we're looking at gym sweat, the tap-dance workout class and the strenuous commitment to amped up 'household chores'. In bed or on the balcony, every motion mattered.

In this grand relay of life and health, the late-night team took home the gold. Significant reductions in premature death and heart disease risk were shown for those working out between 6 p.m. and midnight. Exercising in these hours was as much as 61% more likely to keep you from dying prematurely compared to your morning workout peers. Evening exercise cohorts saw their risk of heart disease trimmed by some 36%, as well.

And it didn't stop there. Late-night workout warriors also had their risks of neuropathy, nephropathy, or retinopathy knocked down a few pegs. Their commitment to evening physical activity seemed to be more crucial than the specific duration of their workouts, offering yet another fist-bump to night owl athletes.

However, before you give the boot to your sunrise jog and instead tie your laces under the moonlight, take note: this research merely examines correlation, not causation. It's imperative to hit the recommended exercise guidelines before you start scheduling your workouts around phases of the moon.

Nonetheless, with obesity and type 2 diabetes management in the mix, our late-night lunge and lift may be an elegant way to fend off insulin resistance. Basically, your night sweat sessions could be the perfect offset to your body's evening blues.

Let's be clear though, this is not a call to ditch daytime exercise entirely, IN THE NAME OF SCIENCE. All exercise is beneficial, whether it's dragging yourself out of bed for a morning jog or hitting the weights while others are hitting the hay. But next time you find yourself binging Netflix past sunset, consider swapping the remote for some reps. You might just boost your health in the process!
