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Kiss Goodbye to HIIT and Say Hello to LISS: The No-Sweat Cardio You're Missing Out On


By Henry Mason

- Aug 17, 2024

Change is the only constant in the fitness world, and it seems there's always a new type of workout or routine designed to revolutionize your health and grant you the body of a Greek god. Every now and then, one breaks away from the clutter and makes a lasting impact, like LISS cardio.

Low-Intensity Steady-State (LISS) cardio is an aerobic exercise type that embraces a methodical, low-intensity pace maintained over an extended period, preferably longer than 30 minutes. The aim is to keep your heart rate steady at approximately 50% of your maximum heart rate. LISS cardio stands in stark contrast to High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), which calls for the alternation of short bursts of high-intensity exercise with equally short periods of rest.

LISS cardio offers an array of benefits that make it worth incorporating into your fitness routine. Some of these benefits include burning fat, enhancing endurance, and stamina, supporting cardiovascular health, posing a lower risk of injury, and allowing for easier recovery. It also offers a variety of activities, most of which don't require additional equipment, making it convenient to practice right at home.

Examples of at-home LISS cardio activities include walking, swimming, cycling, aerobics, and using cardio fitness equipment. Even household chores, when carried out with enough intensity and sustained long enough, can count as a LISS exercise. Additionally, outdoor LISS cardio activities, such as hiking or leisurely bicycling, count as excellent options.

When beginning LISS cardio, it's beneficial to monitor your heart rate during workouts to ensure it is within the target range. While investing in a heart rate monitor is a worthy consideration, you can also gauge your workout's intensity by observing your body's exertion level. Aim to break a light sweat while maintaining the ability to carry on a conversation.

However, before embarking on any fitness journey, including LISS cardio, consult with your healthcare provider to make sure the exercise program is safe and suitable for your health.

On the whole, LISS cardio is an excellent way to make fitness a sustainable lifestyle choice rather than an extreme, catch-your-breath fad. Give it a try, and you might give HIIT a miss!
