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Kale Yeah! The Unfiltered Guide to Core Strength


By Isabel P.

- May 10, 2024

Can you bend down to lift a heavy box, or reach for your water bottle? Congrats, you've got your core to thank for. Your midriff muscles are, without doubt, the unsung heroes of your body, and it's about time they get the applause they deserve.

So, who’s holding the baton for this fantastic torso orchestra? Enter Maricris Lapaix, a kick-ass certified personal trainer from the City of Angels, who decodes core strength for us mortal beings on the app Centr.

Your core isn’t just all abs and six-packs. It’s your body's iron-clad foundation, made up of hardy abdominal muscles and those of your pelvic floor, spine, and hips. This robust ensemble steadies your pelvis and spine, making the magic happen in your upper and lower body.

Picture yourself squatting to pick up some weight. Brace your abdominal muscles and voila! - you just took a massive load off your lower back. This little act of love for your lower back could help dodge painful injuries or develop a spine that doesn't crumble under old age.

Ready for some rock-hard abs? Bodyweight Core Workout for Beginners is a dynamite routine designed by Lapaix that’s both beginner-friendly and supremely effective. This routine has no place for questionable form - it's all about precision. Perform each exercise for 30 to 45 seconds with a 15-second breather between each.

Start with one short set and slowly work your way up to four as your core strength improves. Just remember to take a break and not do this routine consecutively over multiple days. Follow this with a healthy mix of cardio and strength exercises for total body fiesta.

Quick word to the wise - if you have any health conditions or injuries, have recently undergone abdominal surgery, are pregnant, or have recently given birth, be a good sport and consult your doctor before diving in.

The five exercises are simple, effective, and guaranteed to activate your core. All you need is a yoga or exercise mat and a significant dollop of determination.

Remember, the journey to a stronger core is a marathon, not a sprint. So strap in, embrace the absurd, and let the abdominal adventures begin.
