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Get Ripped or Rip Your Pants: The Resistance Band Showdown


By Gavin Hayes

- Apr 26, 2024

The resistance band: your one-way ticket to looking like you were chiseled out of marble… or not. Let me be clear: if you're a dumbbell devotee, always cranking out those bicep curls while dreamily eyeballing the next size up, this slap of reality is gonna sting. These humbly colored bits of latex can hit your muscle-making sweet spots like no other.

Dr. Marty Miller, a guy who knows a thing or two about getting ripped, reveals a not-so-secret secret: resistance bands offer progressive resistance across all the bits that make arm curling and pickleball wielding (because let's face it, who isn't addicted to pickleball?) not just possible, but Arnold Schwarzenegger-esque.

These bands might not have the gravitas of dumbbells, but they serve up varying degrees of resistance, keeping your muscles guessing and greedily hoarding all that delicious tension. Think of it as a surprise party for your biceps where the surprise is-you guessed it-relentless, searing pain.

The funny part? This whole "burn means it's working" thing is not just a tired mantra to whisper between sobbing fits during your workout. Good old Michael Hamlin, founder of EverFlex Fitness and general lifesaver to us all, explains why resistance bands are a godsend to the newbie and the shredded alike.

The key here is that these bands can target your flubbery bits and turn them into exquisitely painful yet progress-inducing weak points, leading to significant gains (and associated bragging rights).

For all literally flex-seekers out there, here's a collection of resistance band moves crafted by Rachel Hall, a kickass trainer and fitness program director. This routine can be fitted into a thrice-weekly schedule (more pain, more gain), all you need is a loop band and a dangerous disregard for your comfort zone.

Before starting, ensure you're cleared by the relevant medical authorities (i.e., your doctor) if you're nursing an injury or haven’t been on your treadmill since the Carter Administration. Now, let's get ripping!
