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Don't Bleed for Your Workouts: Navigating Your Cycle and Fitness


By Julian F.

- Apr 11, 2024

Ever wondered how your period might inflate or deflate your fitness workout? It's a whole bloody issue, and we're here to guide you through the insanity that is menstruation vs. motivation.

While you may have felt that lapsing energy during those crimson tides, a new workout revelation, termed 'cycle syncing,' has become the fitness industry's hottest fad. Set in motion by Alisa Vitti, founder of female hormone company Flo Living, this method draws up an elaborate health regime that hopscotches over your cycle phases. A resonate lifestyle agenda, ticking off everything from diet, workouts, sleep, and everything else in between on coinciding menstrual timelines.

With a near half-billion views on TikTok and an increasing charm among 'fitfluencers' and trainers, the method essentially customizes your workout routine aligned with the four stages of your menstrual cycle to supposedly maximize health gains.

But what are the academics saying about all this hocus pocus around hormones? Let us dive into that estrogen and progesterone soup! These twin hormonal musketeers orchestrate the bodily functions, way beyond reproductive purposes, influencing exercise performance and recovery, aiding cardiovascular system, bone formation, and muscle contraction.

Recent scientific literature shows that estrogen does have a strength-promoting potential credited to muscle protein synthesis promotion. Sounds science-y? Well, it's just a fancy way of saying it helps build new muscle protein, so at lower levels, it could possibly explain why strength and muscle mass plunges post-menopause.

Furthermore, certain hormonal peaks and valleys during the menstrual cycle might render high-intensity workouts tricky, even risky. According to orthopedic surgeon Dr. Miho J. Tanaka, knee ligament (ACL) injuries are likelier during follicular and ovulation phases when ligaments are more vulnerable to overstretching.

However, the fitness jury is still out on this one. While some evidence points towards the hormonal rollercoaster impacting exercise performance, inconsistencies linger. Blame it on the excruciatingly complex research process to align and compare participants' menstrual cycles or plain logistics, but menstrual research is still in its nascent stages.

Lack of comprehensive studies puts a question mark on the extent to which our bodily cycles impact our exercise performances. However, relevant studies are anticipated in the wake of increased public interest.

So, what's the go-to strategy while menstruating? Stick with science or trend-chase cycle syncing?

Turns out, the winning approach is simply to tune in to your body's cues. If you're feeling slow and fatigued on your period days, opt for lighter workouts. Battling painful cramps? Unroll that yoga mat for some gentle stretching. Make sure to individualize your routine as your symptoms may oscillate from month to month.

Despite scant research on the menstrual cycle's direct influence on workout performance, experts stress the importance of syncing your fitness regime with your body's signals – a stance every fit and active woman should adopt. In this age of over-the-top fitness trends, listening to your body might seem ordinary, but it's the ultimate form of self-care.
