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Chill Like a Yogi: The Absolute Joy of Restorative Yoga


By Ella T.

- Jul 10, 2024

Life getting under your skin? Feeling you've had your fill of existence's challenges, and a week-long vacation in Maui won't cut it? Ever heard of restorative yoga? Not the one where you're sweating buckets or contorting into pretzel-like poses but something slightly less taxing on your body and mind. This fantastic practice could be your gateway to a 'chill state.' No joke.

Restorative yoga focuses on soothing your overworked mind and body, nudging you towards much-needed relaxation and recovery. Its primary objective? Dialing down stress and anxiety levels and helping you achieve deep, restorative relaxation. It’s not about hustling, exhausting workouts, or pushing your limits, but rather embracing the mantra of less is more.

The man behind this ingenious practice? B.K.S. Iyengar, a trailblazing yoga teacher from India who decided yoga couldn't just be for the ultra-fit and flexible. His focus was to make yoga accessible for all, regardless of physical limitations. Using props like bolsters, blankets, and blocks, he transformed yoga into a practice of utmost comfort and correct alignment. This method morphed into what we now know as "Restorative Yoga".

So, what in store for you once you dip your toes into Restorative Yoga? Aside from anxiety reduction, you're looking at improved range of motion, better alignment, reduced pain, improved sleep quality, a booted immune system, and tranquillity. Plus, this practice is gateway to mental clarity and concentration. After regularly practicing, you’ll start see noticeable improvements in stress management and foster a calm and positive outlook.

Moving into the emotional zone, this form of yoga enables emotional healing, allowing practitioners to delve deeper into their emotional state and find acceptance. Over time, you can build emotional resilience and develop a compassionate relationship with yourself.

Embodying Restorative Yoga’s profound relaxation can be achieved via a few key poses, or 'asanas' as the yoga gurus would say. These include Child's Pose, Bridge Pose, Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose, Reclining Bound Angle Pose, and Corpse Pose. While these might sound weird or morbid, believe it or not, they could be your highway to deep relaxation and healing.

Setting up your restorative yoga routine doesn't have to be a mammoth task either. It’s as simple as warming up with gentle stretches, doing a few chosen poses and cooling down with a relaxing pose like Savasana (Corpse Pose). To reap the best rewards, consistency is the key.

One of the greatest scores of Restorative Yoga is that it's suitable for everyone, regardless of age, fitness level, or physical condition. So, whether you're a spry 25-year old fitness enthusiast, a middle-aged woman recovering from childbirth, or a septuagenarian keen on maintaining mobility and balance, restorative yoga is there for you when you're ready.

Are you ready to let go of that stress, anxiety, or physical discomfort weighing you down? Then give the wonderfully restorative world of Restorative Yoga a go.
