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Chew on This: Debunking the Hype about Electrolyte Gum


By Sophie B.

- Jul 27, 2024

You've swiped through TikTok, witnessed the onslaught of ads for electrolyte powders and drinks being touted as the new age elixirs. Now, in a twisted turn of events, electrolytes have sneakily ventured into the chewing gum league. Sure, a quick web search will show brands waxing poetic about this hydration wonder, but experts say it's a gummed-up lie.

"Electrolyte gum-It’s not the H2O hero you think it is," warns Anjay Rastogi from UCLA Health. The reason? It's not really hydrating you. It just slaps your thirst mechanism around, giving you a deceitful feel of hydration. Distrusting your thirst can lead you down the path of dehydration. Not the ‘hydration hack’ you bargained for, is it?

If your body is crying out for electrolytes, it's not unusual. Every one of us needs them for different reasons. These signs can vary widely-headaches and seizures for low sodium, weakness, and muscle cramps for low potassium, says Areeba Jawed from the University of Michigan Medical School. However, the catch is, you might have an electrolyte imbalance and not even feel anything off. That's why hydrating and taking in electrolytes through food is key.

What about the gum brands claiming to be packed with mighty electrolytes in the form of sodium citrate and potassium citrate? Well, as per David S. Goldfarb from NYU Langone Health, the actual content in these gums is so minuscule that it barely qualifies as a supplement. Couple that with a lack of labeling transparency, and it's clear that the effectiveness of these products is shrouded in mystery.

So the big question, where should you get your electrolytes from? Food and fluids. Yes, you heard it right! Don’t fall for the synthetic sham when nature has already figured it out for you. Bananas and oranges, brimming with potassium, are electrolyte superstars. Goldfarb suggests, for intense workouts or heat exposure, consider an oral rehydration solution like Gatorade.

Do yourself a favor, ditch the gum. Chat with your healthcare provider about a legitimate way to fulfill your electrolyte needs if it becomes crucial. They might suggest drinks or powders specifically designed to give you the much-needed boost. Remember, your best bet will always be a balanced diet drawing from nature’s bounty.
