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Carry that Weight: Power Walk Your Way to Wellness with a Weighted Vest


By Nora R.

- Jul 15, 2024

Walking: it's as natural as breathing and as underrated as a good nap. What if we told you can turbocharge this hum-drum activity and elevate it into a bona fide workout? Enter the world of the weighted vest - the underdog of fitness gear people rarely talk about but should.

In essence, strapping on a weighted vest while you walk is like carrying a friendly koala on your back. It's not just about adding strain, but it ramps up the load your body, namely your ankles, knees, hips, back, and core, needs to manage. And the more these muscles strain, the more powerful they become.

Some of the benefits of weighted-vest-walking (can we make this a hashtag?) are obvious. You're adding weight, so you're working your body harder, spending more energy, seeing an uptick in your heart rate, and for a bonus point - you're scoring extra brownie points with your metabolism, making it whir faster. In the meantime, your balance skills get a handy upgrade, and you could potentially sculpt your legs and strengthen your core in the process.

Suddenly, your breezy park strolls become heart-thumping power sessions. But is it all sunshine and protein shakes?

Well, as with most things in life, more is not always merrier. Adding too much weight too soon could be a one-way ticket to Strainsville, or even worse, Injury city. Slumping under the load or curving your back like Quasimodo is another no-no. Also, remember, this gear might cramp your style in the middle of a hot summer day.

Before you jump in head-first, remember to have a chat with your healthcare provider. Some people, like those with existing injuries or conditions, might need to be cautious.

In short, if you're considering a weighted vest to amp up your walking routine, take it slow. Choose a vest that feels comfortable and work your way up from short stints to longer sessions.

On to you, brave and discerning fitness explorers, will you carry the weight?
