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Boost Your Health: The Amazing Benefits of Consistent Walking


By Gavin Hayes

- Jan 11, 2024

Recent research has warned against the health risks associated with sedentary lifestyles, including damage to heart health and metabolism, even resulting in premature death. Despite adhering to exercise guidance from health organizations, prolonged periods of sitting can still pose a health threat.

Despite frequent mentions of the 10,000 steps a day goal, this number actually originated as a marketing ploy from a Japanese pedometer company in 1965, according to Harvard Medical School. That being said, performing a high number of steps throughout the day instead of in one concentrated session is beneficial to health, says exercise science professor, Bruce Bailey, PhD.

Consistent walking has been linked to better cardiovascular health and improved mood and energy levels. A 2018 study demonstrated that even just ten minutes of brisk walking could enhance mood more than being inactive.

A 2019 survey studying data from over 16,000 elderly women found that those doing between 4,400 and 7,500 steps a day lived longer, with longevity benefits increasing until plateauing at 7,500 steps a day.

ABC News' chief medical correspondent, Jennifer Ashton, MD, increased her daily step count significantly over a month, resulting in boosted energy levels and improved mood. Fitness coach Kourtney Thomas recommends small periods of walking throughout the day rather than one long walk.

To increase your steps, set daily goals, explore your surroundings, use reminders, park at the far end of the car park and get competitive. Additionally, walking in green spaces can boost your physical activity, improve mental health and strengthen your immune system.

Making your step count a friendly competition or shared goal with others can help you increase your physical activity and maintain consistent walking habits long term. The goal is to incorporate walking into your daily life in a convenient and enjoyable way.
