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Bend it Like Yogi: The Kale of Psoriatic Arthritis Relief


By Maxwell H.

- May 18, 2024

Fight joint pain and stiffness the unconventional way – meet yoga, your new best friend in the quest for psoriatic arthritis relief. While there is no substitute for proper medical treatment, setting aside 15 to 20 minutes a day for some yoga downtime can make a notable difference to your symptoms.

According to a comprehensive 2019 analysis published in Biological Research for Nursing, chronic inflammatory conditions like arthritis can definitely benefit from an occasional downward-facing dog. Yoga has been shown to strengthen muscles, maintain flexibility, enhance fluid circulation, and provide a sensual buffer for your bones, exclusive of having to bear any pesky joint weight.

Despite prospective intimidation – the word of the day is ‘modification’. No pretzel-like contortion to worry about, all traditional poses can be easily tweaked to make them arthritis-friendly and still preserve their therapeutic benefits. Remember, yoga’s not forcing you into a cockfight, it’s inviting you for a calm tea party.

Before you embark on this newfound journey, do have a chat with your healthcare provider. Once you get that nod of approval, here are six poses you can start with, custom-built for our psoriatic warriors. Listen to your body and remember, pain is not gain when it comes to yoga – it’s just pain. Work within your limits and always keep your instructor in the loop about any restrictions you might have.

  1. Reclining Hamstring Stretch With Strap.
  2. Reclining Spinal Twist.
  3. Reclining Single Knee to Chest.
  4. Warrior 1 Pose.
  5. Modified Downward-Facing Dog.
  6. Wrist Rotations and Flexes.

To sum up, yoga can function as an excellent add-on to your psoriatic arthritis management toolkit. It not only eases your physiological discomfort but also goes a long way in de-stressing your mind. As Dr. Bernatsky, a renowned rheumatologist, aptly puts it, stress relief is integral to arthritis pain management. Yoga helps you find that balance. So get your yoga strap on, assume the warrior pose, breath in some zen, and remember – you don't have to be a pretzel to enjoy the benefits of yoga.
